The Art of Accountability: How to Make Things Happen For Yourself

Something that has been coming up a lot lately in conversations between clients, friends, and myself is accountability. How do we hold ourselves accountable for the things we know are good for us? As a former dancer, I'm grateful to have a lot of self-discipline – one of the greatest lessons I learned from dancing was that of discipline. For me, accountability is something that is always easier when you have people to support you but it's not impossible on your own.

An Overview of Virgo Season

With Virgo season getting started, the energy around is pushing us to refine our life. How can we become more efficient and more whole? Virgo is an archetype that can be analytical and care a little too much about perfection but only because of their desire to experience complete wholeness as a human. Virgo yearns for a true mind, body, soul connection and is always looking at ways to optimize their life. Because of this, Virgo season is a time to get organized, get back on track, and take time to get all of your ducks in a row.

When it comes to working on yourself–implementing new routines, habits, or ways of being–it can be difficult to create long-term sustainable change. Use Virgo season as a support to implement new daily routines and cultivate a deeper connection to yourself – Virgo loves that so lean on that energy to guide you through this next month.

Where does accountability come in?

Accountability is a big piece in doing "the work" that I feel people often overlook. Accountability is something or someone holding you responsible for something. This is important because when you are rewiring a pattern or changing a habit, it takes time. It takes accountability to create that long-term change rather than just a short-term fix. It may feel overwhelming at first, and that's okay, that's why community can be such an important piece to the puzzle.

Along with the energy of Virgo, I want to help you through this too. Here are some small ways to support yourself and give yourself accountability in whatever area of your life.

Break Down your Goals

What is one small thing you can do every single day to live the life you want to live?

It can be overwhelming to look at things as a whole and expect yourself to live more mindfully or run a half marathon. But if you break it down into meditating for 5 minutes each day or running a mile each day, that goal becomes more sustainable and less overwhelming. Whenever I look at my to-do list or I look into implementing a new habit, I try and make it as easy as possible for myself. If it feels difficult or overwhelming, it will be difficult and overwhelming to actually do. Breaking these things down into small things I can sprinkle in throughout my day, helps it to make sense in my life. If you want to completely change your life and implement all of these new habits and lifestyle changes, start with one and work your way up from there.

How can you make this the easiest and most efficient for yourself?

Track your Progress

Truth be told, I'm not that competitive unless it's when myself. When I started meditating, I used (and still use) an app called Insight Timer; which keeps a log of your consecutive days and how many minutes you've meditated. It is extremely satisfying to see that progress. Although though meditation shouldn't become something that you cross off your to-do list; when I was first implementing that habit, I needed the accountability of an app like Insight Timer to support me.

Give Yourself a Challenge

Again, I am very competitive with myself. Once I commit to something, especially in the short term, I likely will follow through. Giving yourself a challenge can help give you structure towards implementing these new habits or ways of being. Challenges serve as accountability because they give you something to work towards. Set a goal to read two books a month, or meditate every day for 30 days. You can do anything for 30 days. See if you can set that accountability and follow through and show up for yourself.

Speaking of challenges, I want to share one with you. Well, it's not really a challenge because there is no winner; you can totally do it self-paced. This challenge is something to harness the Virgo energy and take you deeper into yourself. Self Discovery through The Houses is a four-week challenge that goes through each of the houses of astrology. It uses each house to relate journaling prompts in different areas of your life. If you're looking to learn more about astrology or have accountability in taking the time to connect more deeply with yourself. Sign up below.


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