Subtle Signs Your Intuition is Trying to Speak to You & How to Listen

This week I had the honor of sitting on a panel for Holisticism (the first panel of many) all about intuition so naturally, I've been thinking a lot about intuition. I've been thinking about the questions that come up when talking about intuition, the ways in which I am ignoring my own, and how intuition shows up differently for us all. As someone who tries to honor her intuition always, I've experienced a few different ways that intuition can show up. At first, it may not feel as obvious but as you strengthen that muscle, the intuitive pings get louder and louder.

Ok, so what is intuition?

Lucky for you, I have an entire blog post on this. Long story short, intuition is that gut feeling, inner knowing, or inner guidance leading you through life. Some people say it's your soul, others say it's a higher power, but I view it as a little guide helping me through life. People experience intuition in many different ways but most commonly, it's that gut feeling you get when you first meet someone or before something bad is about to happen. It's the feeling of knowing an answer but not being able to explain why or how.

Your intuition is calling, are you going to pick up?

Our intuition speaks to us in many ways and it's important to cultivate your own relationship with your intuition. But where do you start? There are some tell-tale signs your intuition is trying to get your attention but you may be ignoring it. Get curious, be observant, and inquire about any of these things you may be experiencing in life.

5 Signs Your Intuition Is Trying to Speak to You

You can't stop thinking about a specific idea, place, person, etc.

Before I started Naturally Nicoletta, I thought about the idea for about a year. People kept telling me to start a blog, I couldn't stop thinking about it, and part of me just knew I had to do it. I would think about it before bed and when I woke up in the morning and I just couldn't get it out of my brain. Sometimes we randomly think about a person that we haven't seen in years and the next day they call us or we see their profile pop up on Facebook. If the thought keeps surfacing (and it feels exciting and expansive) follow it, your intuition could point you in a specific direction.

You keep experience synchronicities and little coincidences that have some meaning to you

When communicating with your intuition, the messages aren't always clear. Sometimes it can be mundane and a simple occurrence during your day like hearing a specific song at a coffee shop or passing a shop you had been thinking about going to without even trying. Take note of any synchronicities and any small coincidences. Oftentimes, this is a sign that you're on the right path and can indicate that more clarity is coming in soon.

Any patterns or reocurring themes that keep coming up

You know the saying when it rains, it pours? Maybe things just seem to be going your way or they keep getting worse and worse. Pay attention to any time in your life that patterns keep resurfacing or you find yourself in the same situation time and time again. Each time that happens, it's an opportunity to do something different and live with more alignment. Let your intuition guide you and forget about the shoulds, have tos, and "this is what I've always done." If something keeps happening, what can you learn from it and how can you move forward?

You just have a feeling about something (aka your intuition is talking)

This one is probably the most obvious signs that our intuition is talking to us but most often, the hardest to trust. As humans, we like to have proof for everything, and most times, our intuition is just a feeling. You can push it away all you want, but it always knows. Like when you have a feeling before the first day but ignore it and get heartbroken 6 months later (been there, done that). The more we trust and honor our intuition, the stronger it'll become. Start small and work to hear what it is telling you and then letting it guide you and let it unfold from there.

Your dreams are extremely vivid and metaphorical dreams

I loooove studying dreams. Maybe it's because my dreams are always vivid and contain a lot of little nuances that I can connect to my intuition but still, it's cool! Jungian theory looks at dreams as a metaphor for our unconscious mind. Say you dreamt about an ex, it doesn't mean that you should call them but rather ask yourself, what part of me does that ex represent? What part of myself am I not looking at? This is where our intuition can help our healing work. Trust the things that come up and trust that healing work can be done in the dream realm–trust me, I've done it. If you're interested in learning more about dreams, this is a fantastic podcast episode.

These are a few ways that our intuition can show up but it's important for you to cultivate the relationship with your intuition so that you know how it guides you. Intuition is our superpower. It allows us to live with greater alignment, ease, and trust which makes life a million times easier. Remember that your intuition is like a muscle that needs to be strengthened so give yourself grace and know that understanding and trusting all of these things is not going to happen overnight.


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