Staying Healthy While Traveling (to Disney!)

Staying healthy while traveling is not always an easy task. It's hard being away from your routine, healthy foods you are used to eating, and avoiding temptations. First of all, traveling should not be stressful. If you are so stressed out to be in a different environment away from the "healthy" habits you have engrained into your brain, this is not healthy. Health is about balance and there's no balance if you're constantly stressed about missing your workout or not having enough greens with each meal (this is a silent but stern reminder for myself).Buuuuut traveling also doesn't mean all of your healthy lifestyle has to go out the window leaving you feeling lethargic, guilty, and bloated. There's a way to enjoy yourself AND take care of yourself.Being completely honest, I am slightly apprehensive about my spring break trip to Disney World. This is my FIRST time to the happiest place on earth so, of course, I am excited but I have a few reservations. Disney is not really known for the healthiest of fact, it's known for all of its indulgent goodies. Lots of carbs, sugar, and very few veggies.I am excited about these goodies that I seldom treat myself to but I know my body might actually shut down if I veer too far from the diet I am used to eating. I am not saying this because my skewed relationship with food but rather because I know my body and a lot of carbs/sugar/dairy does not make me feel good. Two weekends ago, I had a few cheese fries and a cookie cake and my stomach is still trying to get sorted out. Now that's not fun at all #yikesBecause I do not plan on skipping out on the Mickey waffles, foot-long churros, dole whips, and lots of ice cream...there are a few ways I am going to try to minimize the repercussions of these delicious but not so healthy foods.


Amazing Grass greens powder has been there for me when no one else was. No seriously, I love this stuff. I mix it in water when I am starting to feel a little sick. Since I know I probably won't be eating adequate servings of veggies at Disney, I will most definitely be starting my morning with this magical powder.


I am bringing some Rishi ginger turmeric tea and Yogi Tea echinacea immune support tea. I am not sure if I'll drink this everyday but I thought they'd be good before bed if my stomach won't settle or I am feeling a little under the weather.


I have a feeling I will be snacking a lot at Disney but to cut some of my sugar cravings/crashes and mindless munching, I want to be prepared with some good snacks to bring with me into the park. Some snacks that I am bringing include:

  • Bare Cinnamon Banana Chips
  • Enlightened Sea Salt Broad Bean Crisps
  • Go Macro mini bars
  • Once Again single serving nut butter packets (peanut, sunflower, and cashew)
  • Gorilly Goods nut clusters


I personally have not tried digestive enzymes yet but I got them specifically for this trip! Word on the street is that digestive enzymes facilitate the chemical breakdown of food into smaller, absorbable components. So essentially sometimes we don't have enough digestive enzymes in our stomach to help break down the foods we eat so that leads to gas, bloating, etc. Soooo taking over the counter digestive enzymes just gives your body a little boost to help digest these foods (gluten, dairy, etc.) better.*FYI: I do not plan on taking these before every meal and then just eating whatever I want for the rest of my life. That sounds great in theory but I like healthy food too much and I don't want to become reliant on artificial enzymes. But they hopefully will come in handy when I decide to indulge in all the yummy treats at Disney.

Most importantly,


Let me say it again for the people in the back, if you get so much anxiety and stress over traveling or doing anything that remotely involves indulging (regarding food, not working out, or just allowing yourself to rest) this is not healthy. There's so much in life to enjoy. I can promise you that you will not enjoy yourself if you are constantly feeling guilty for the cheese you ate on your pizza, the amount on sugar you ate during breakfast, or the number of workouts you missed. Your body is not going to change drastically over the course of a week or even a month even if you indulge every day. Trust your body and trust that the world will not end if you eat that extra Mickey waffle (@nikki - listen to your own damn advice!)So that's what I am doing for my upcoming trip. What are your travel hacks? Let me know in the comments!


Disney World Eats


The Shame that Comes with Disordered Thinking