Mystical Tools & Practices I Use to Strengthen My Intuition

I’ve gotten to a point in my journey where I have a developed a close relationship with my intuition. I no longer feel disconnected from her wisdom and I try to listen to her as much as I can. Our intuition is just like any other muscle in the body. In order for it to get stronger, we have to strengthen it. In society today, we are taught to rely on logic and hard facts. Rather than, the esoteric or intuitive knowings within. I believe it’s important to use our rational and intuitive minds; in order to move through life with greater ease and clarity.

Since we are taught to suppress our intuition and doubt those “gut feelings,” the journey to hearing yours may feel unattainable. While it may take some work, we all have an intuition that is waiting for us to listen. Below are some of the tools and practices (that I still use daily) that help me to strengthen my intuition.

It’s important to note that a lot of these practices require us to trust the things that are coming up. Sometimes they won’t make sense and sometimes they are clear but we still want to doubt them–that’s okay. The trust will come in time. Simply hearing our intuition and taking note of what it’s saying is an important first step. Then we can move onto listening, honoring, and building a relationship with our inner knowing. Before we start, let’s talk about what intuition actually is.

What is Intuition?

The way I define it, intuition is your inner knowing. It’s that “gut feeling” everyone talks about. You know, that time you just knew you should take the long way home and you ended up bypassing a major accident. Or when you had a feeling something what going on with your friend so you sent them a text and their significant other *just* broke up with them? The gut feeling, or intuition, or inner knowing is the deep rooted inner wisdom that we all have within us. I like to think of it as the wisdom of my highest self, all of my past lives, and of the higher power guiding us all. My inner knowing always guides me towards alignment, expansion, and growth and in honoring her, I honor myself.

Sometimes listening to your intuition can be scary. It doesn’t always make sense and it may go against everything that you’ve been taught to believe. Your inner knowing often will push you towards the situations that will bring you the most growth. Whether that’s quitting a job and following your passion or packing up and moving around the world. When we begin listening to our intuition, we can find clarity in how we can live more in alignment. As someone who recently moved in with strangers; because I just *knew* I was supposed to, I can tell you that my intuition has never led me astray. It’s only when I go against my intuition that I find myself with problems.

Why Should I Listen to My Intuition?

Great question, b. You’re talking to the girl who prioritizes her inner knowing above all else, so I may be a little biased. Nonetheless, your intuition is the purest form of truth within yourself leading your soul in this lifetime. I’m not talking about your ego or fear (which is something we can get into another time) but it’s you, the pure essence of you. Your intuition knows you better than you know yourself. It is deeper than all of the programming and conditioning and trauma endured thus far. Your intuition is the little voice within you telling you exactly what you need to do to live the life that you want to live. It’ll always be there regardless of if you ever choose to listen to it.

How to Begin Strengthening Your Intuition

Checking In

One of the simplest and most transformative practices to strengthen my intuition was simply checking in with myself. Every morning I ask myself, what am I craving today? Before a big decision I ask, what do I really want to do? Before I started working with my intuition; questions as simple as, “what do I want to do today” were really hard for me to answer. I was so used to living life to accommodate others that I never even stopped to check in with myself. This practice doesn’t have to be anything fancy; but I like to stop what I’m doing, close my eyes, take a deep breath, and ask the question. Honor the thing that comes up first. Typically, that is our soul doing the talking and all the chatter that comes next is our ego.

If you’re looking to connect deeper with yourself and live with more intention, I have a free offering called 14 Days of Presence that would be a great first step.

Tarot & Oracle Cards

Tarot and Oracle Cards are a great way to help us to tap into our intuition and gain clarity on certain aspects of our life. I typically pull at least on tarot and oracle card each day to help me anchor my energy for the day. If you’re new to using cards, I think oracle cards are a great, gentle introduction but typically lend to more general messages to interpret. On the other hand, Tarot is essentially a language that may take time to learn. But, it ultimately can help you with your intuition as you begin to read the cards on your own. I really love all of the Wild Unknown Decks and Mystic Mondays is a great app for a daily card pull.


A pendulum is essentially anything weighted tied to a string that can be used to channel energy from your guides, ancestors, highest self, etc. It’s a form of divination that can be used in many different ways but I use it for reassurance and affirmation that I’m on the right track. I don’t use my pendulum as often as I’d like, but when I do, I meditate to center my energy, ask clear questions, and observe the movement of the crystal. Typically, mine moves in a straight line for no and circle for yes but everyone’s pendulum can be different.

Alright, I get it, this seems a little out there. I find it great for when I can’t seem to make my mind up. Usually we know deep down inside what we want but that little nudge from an external force helps us to trust our intuition. Here’s a great video if you want to learn more about working with a pendulum.


Bibliomancy, also known as The Book Game to my friends and I, is a form of divination using books. I open up a book, close my eyes, think of a question, flip to a page and point to a phrase or paragraph. Often times, it makes no sense but I find it’s a fun and cheeky way to practice interpreting and using our imagination in tandem with intuition. Take this sort of stuff with a grain of salt but it still strengthens your intuition and helps you to trust the things that are coming up.

Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are known as a record of everything that ever has, is, or will happen and they are stored in a higher dimension called the Akasha. If it sounds a little out there, it is, but trust me on this one. For a deeper dive into the Akashic Records, here’s my go to resource from my friends at Holisticism. Once you get a better understanding of the records, you’ll learn that when you open them; you are channeling information from your MTLOs (Masters, Teachers, Loved Ones) aka your spiritual hype team. You can ask all sorts of questions about all the things in life but be forewarned, you’ll only get the information that you’re ready to receive.

I’ve only opened the records on my own twice (TBH, it intimidates me) but each time, I end the session feeling more connected to my inner knowing. I wouldn’t recommend this for those just beginning their journey connecting to their intuition but now you know it’s out there.


I have a lot to say about intuition, if you couldn’t already tell. I want to keep this conversation going because I believe that our intuition is our superpower. When we live in a way where we honor our intuition instead of shutting it out, we are able to show up more authentically and aligned in our lives. The next thing I want to talk about is how to distinguish fear and ego from intuition because...that is a slippery slope, my friend.


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