A Reflection of Transition in Life

I’ve been living in a state of transition for about a year now. Going from being a student to being a college graduate was a bigger transition than I expected. I mean, how do you expect to just go from living a life where you always know what’s coming next for 12 years to suddenly having a whole world of opportunities and lifestyles open up to you.

For a while, I minimized the transition by living at home, getting a part-time job that gave me a structured schedule, and diving deep into personal and spiritual studies. Then can 2021, I moved to Hawaii and it seems like it has been the epitome of a time of transition. With little stability and a whole world of unknowns, it’s been challenging to feel grounded within myself. 

Even within all of my personal practices that maintain a sense of normalcy and routine within my day, there is an inherent surrender required when you are living on a month to month basis. I don’t know where I’ll be living a month from now let alone a year from now. It’s not a lack of options or opportunities that is plaguing my ability to discover that unknown but rather an abundance. 

I could stay in Hawaii. Or I could move to Mexico. Or California. Or Rhode Island. Most likely, not Kentucky, but we can throw that option in the mix just for fun.

The truth about life, that many people want to ignore, is that everything is temporary. Life is temporary.

The hard part about living surrendered to the unknown, that I didn’t expect, was how this temporary nature is amplified. 

I go back and forth between wanting to grasp onto the reality in front of me and always looking for whatever is the next thing. The irony is that my soul is yearning for grounding and stability yet I keep saying, “Oh, I’ll wait until the next place.” As if right now is not a good enough time to give myself the things I need. 

We’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives if we keep saying, “Not now but tomorrow.”

When will it be good enough?

I’m beginning to realize that it’s not about how long to plan to stay somewhere. It’s not about the minuscule details of staying in a place, a job, or with a person. Life happens regardless. You can find home wherever you go, however long you stay. You can grow immensely in a job whether you stay 6 weeks or 6 years. The quality of a relationship with a person is not solely dependent on how long you stay with them. 

Time is an illusion and life is always in flux. 

We are always transitioning from one thing to another.

Right now, for me, that may feel heightened but I must remember I am no stranger to change. I am no stranger to adapting. In fact, it is one of my greatest strengths.

When my soul is yearning to ground down, sink my toes into the sand, I know that is a subtle calling to slow down and be present. 

It always comes down to that. 

How can you slow down and really immerse yourself in the world that’s right in front of you?

We know that it won’t be there forever. You have no way of knowing where you will be 10 years from now (let alone 10 months) regardless of how hard you try to plan. 

So be here. 

You have all you need within you.

There’s no seeking, searching, or grasping.

Simply slowing down and allowing. 

Release your grips.

It shouldn’t be so complicated.

I’m saying these things as a reminder for myself as I have been so in my head this week about what’s next. I’ve been so in my head that I’m missing out on what’s now.

Life is always in transition, that’s inevitable. How can we make the most of what we have given the circumstances we are in?

It may not be clear at first, but there is always something to learn right in front of you. Don’t miss it.


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