When Life Seems to Be Lacking Inspiration

If you have been following along with my Instagram stories for the past few weeks (well...months. Basically since 2018 started), I haven't really felt myself. I don't want to put the wrong idea out there–I am incredibly happy with my life and nothing too drastic has been going on.But quite simply,

I feel that I have been lacking inspiration.

I think the honeymoon phase of starting this blog has worn off and I am seeking for inspiration and guidance on where to go next. The only problem? It's hard to start new ventures or keep switching things up mainly because I am in school and that takes up the majority of my time. I hate making excuses and I am the first to say that you can change the course of your life at any moment but...it's easier said than done.Last week on my Instagram, I posted about how it's ok to not be ok. We have to acknowledge and admire the highs and lows of life. Not everyday is going to be our best and that is ok. I am going to try and be easy on myself and remind myself to lean into what I am feeling right now.As put together as I may look or may act, it's not always sunshine and roses. Oh how I wish it were! I am getting acclimated to the fact that I might not be ok 100% of the time. I might not feel this powerful excitement, drive, and inspiration for the things I am doing in my life.

The Highs and Lows of Life

I tend to forget about the highs and lows. I try and maintain these highs and beat myself up when things just aren't feeling so great. My biggest struggle right now is staying present when I am so excited for what's to come in the next 6 months (aka moving to Europe...how can you beat that?!) While I am definitely not miserable here in Baltimore and I don't have much to complain about, keeping things fun and exciting in my life has proven to be slightly more difficult than expected.Instead of fighting these feelings of feeling "blah" about my life right now, I am trying to lean in. Why am I feeling like this? Why do I constantly feel the need to switch things up in my life? How can I continue doing what I am doing and find the excitement in little things that I may have not noticed anymore? What am I grateful for?Stepping back and looking into yourself instead of fighting your feelings (hopefully) can help you find the root of your problems and help you in the future. This whole living in the present is a lot more complicated and frustrating than I would have imagined. I think my mind is so conditioned to constantly wait and look forward to the next best moment that I am always missing where I am now.READ: I want to work on this. I am trying to work on this. IT IS NOT EASY. So to anyone who has a tendency to anticipate, overthink, or just constantly try and find the next best thing–let's try staying present together.You are not alone. Do not get discouraged if this day, week, month, YEAR is not going the way you expected. We can all hope to be completely happy, inspired, excited about life 24/7 but this is life. Life is not perfect. Life has it's own ups and downs just like a rollercoaster–if you only focus on the highs, you'll completely miss so much of your life (hate to break it to ya but the majority of growth happens during those lows).To be completely honest, I was just going to skip the blog post this week because I wasn't feeling inspired to write. Ha. Funny how the lack of inspiration inspired this post!One last thing (I was just scrolling through Instagram and the thought popped into my head), I think a lot of this constant yearning for something more is due to social media–well, at least for me. Seeing all of these people traveling the world, living in California, doing all of the things that I want to do isn't easy. It's the comparison trap. I'd like to think I have stopped comparing myself to the people around me buuuuut yeah, I haven't.So here's to constantly improving, being kind to ourselves, and leaning into the things we are feeling. Life isn't supposed to be sunny 100% of the time and thats ok. 


The Shame that Comes with Disordered Thinking


Finding the Love You Can Always Count On