Finding the Love You Can Always Count On

PS - You don't have to go anywhere to get self love.

I am going to turn 20 in about two months (CRAZY) and I'll be completely honest, I have been single for all of these past 20 years. Sure there have been flings, infatuations, and relationships made up in my mind but I am one of the few who has stayed #singleasapringle so far in life.It wasn't until very recently that I started appreciating this path and realizing that it has helped me become who I am today. Growing up, I would see all of the people around me in relationships and I felt left out. I always wanted that thing that I was missing out on and I never understood why I couldn't have it.I could have had these relationships that I was seeing around me but I'm "picky" as most people like to call it. Honestly, call me picky but I like to think that I just don't want to settle. I don't want to settle to date someone just for the sake of having a "boyfriend." My parents always taught me to have a strong sense of self and I think that is one of the reasons I am so "picky."

The only person you can count on is yourself

We can talk about my "dating" experiences another time but what I really wanted to talk about today is the love that'll never leave you: the love within yourself. As I am writing this, it is Valentine's Day, and I am overwhelmed with the amount of love around me and within myself. While I have been single for 20 years, it wasn't until a few years ago that I began cultivating love within myself.This love does go outward towards my family, friends, and all the amazing people in my life but a lot of it is reserved for myself. I have focused this time being single working on myself. Figuring out how to love myself. Why? In the end, (as sad as it is) all we have is ourselves.Just like you and everyone else, I have a laundry list of insecurities and things I don't really love about myself but I also have found so many things that I love about myself. I have found things that I love and how to hear what I truly need/want. These things and finding the strength to focus your love back on yourself rather than pouring it out to everyone around you isn't it. It takes time alone to reflect, be selfish, and be patient with yourself.

How I show myself love:

  1. Self-Care Night: Take a shower, put on a face mask, listen to my favorite playlists, burn a candle, drink some tea and journal/read for however long my heart desires - I need these nights at least once every other week...they are the best!
  2. Spending time alone: As you all know by now, I need my alone time. Even if it's just for 2 hours, being alone with my own thoughts leaves me feeling refreshed and recharged.
  3. Yoga and meditation: The ultimate form of self-love and ooey gooey goodness. Yoga grounds me and offers me clarity when I feeling not so great about myself.
  4. Affirmations: I usually pick one out to set the intention at the beginning of the week but I also have a bunch of sticky notes above my bed of different affirmations that I see before/after sleeping each night.
  5. Focusing on more than just my physical appearance: While I am all about looking cute and being aware of it, shifting away from focusing on my outward appearance has increased my love for myself immensely. I love my listening abilities, how I have a natural eye for food styling, and my self-motivation. What do you love about yourself?

Finding love within yourself is not an easy process but let me tell you, it will be worth it. We all have an endless supply of love within ourselves we just have to prioritize where we are giving that love.I hope your Valentine's Day was filled with all the love you deserve–whether that was from a romantic partner, your parents, or yourself.


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