What Working From Home is Teaching Me About Myself

It's been about a month of working (or in my case, online classes) from home. I am grateful that I get to continue my studies and that my family and I are healthy and that I have been able to take this time to rest and recharge and begin looking deeper at what matters most to me. Working from home for these past four weeks has taught me that there is so much beauty and ease in simplicity. Simplicity is something I haven't always been too keen on but I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me because I have been "relieved" of so many of the roles, identities, expectations I have held of myself.

I'm currently sitting on my back patio listening primarily to The Japanese House but also hear the birds chirping and the wind chime in the distance. The picture above is my current view and it's about 80°F–to say I'm feeling grateful is an understatement. It's moments like this that have been getting me through this uneasy, uncertain time in our lives.

For a while now, I have given a lot of thought to what my "perfect day" looks like. I knew that the essence of "ease" is present and I knew it probably involved me having a slow morning. Since being home, I have challenged myself to look deeper into this "perfect day" and begin implementing the things that I know make me feel good. I figured, might as well make the most of all this freedom and time at home.

I quickly became aware of about 5 or 6 distinct categories of things throughout my day that I really value–the things that make my day feel "perfect." As I have been working from home, I have realized that it's not necessarily about doing the same exact thing everyday but rather simplifying my expectations to get the benefits each day.

Slowing down and simplifying my expectations of what I accomplish each day has given me flexibility and freedom to approach each day as it comes. It is about waking up each day and being aware throughout the day of how I'm feeling and what I need more of to get back to my equilibrium.

There are 6 general items that I seek to accomplish every single day.


For me, meditation is more than just sitting down to meditate. I include meditation as encompassing my morning and night routines (with do, of course, include meditation). Meditation is also simply sitting outside and listening to the birds chirp and the leaves dance in the wind. Or each just 5 deep breaths throughout the day. By integrating meditation in every single second of my day, I am able to stay grounded and in the present moment. It's one of the biggest ways that I am able to find ease in my life.


Movement has been a foundation in my life ever since I was a little girl. Lately, movement has been looking different every single day. Sometimes runs around my neighborhood, others a quick yoga flow to get the blood moving, online strength workouts, or just a simple walk with my dog down the street.

For all of you also working from home, here are some of my favorite slow yoga flows, power vinyasa, HIIT, strength training workouts.


Working from home has given me a lot of flexibility and free time in my day. Since I am back at my childhood home, I have been spending a lot of time connecting to my inner child. That girl loved to be creative. I'm honoring that–I've been painting with water colors, doodling, cutting my clothes to make them into something new. Creating for me also looks like writing blog posts and Youtube videos. Also, cooking...A LOT. Cooking is one of my favorite creative ventures. I've really been enjoying it.

Being creative isn't a one size fits all. Often, I do a little bit of everything each day but I never expect myself to do everything (i.e. write a million blog posts, become the next Picasso, and cook a four course meal). I see what feels good and roll with it; if I get bored, I stop and move on to something else.


I'm still in school (only for a few more weeks!! woooohoooo). Online classes are alright–I'm grateful I get to learn but it's hard to stay engaged when you're not particularly invested in the material. Nonetheless, I am finding other outlets to learn about things I'm really interested in! Like reading! I've been reading a lot about Buddhist philosophy and I find it so interesting. I have also been taking free working shops on everything from astrology to intuitive business tools to witchy spells on Holisticism. It's fun to dip my toes into things I've always been interested in.

Get Outside

I've been really lucky with the weather in Kentucky. Early April is usually very rainy and kinda chilly but it's been absolutely beautiful. Also, I'm hella grateful I can still get outside and we are not on full lockdown. My heart goes out to those who are safe but inside of small apartments with little access to the outdoors. I have been getting outside every single day. Again, sometimes just for 10 minutes but other days, I find myself walking barefoot through my back yard for hours. When the weather is nice, I try to take advantage of it. Especially when I am doing work in my bedroom for hours on end, a fresh air break is always a good reset for my nervous system.


It can be isolating working from home! It's easy to forget about staying in touch with people and making the effort to connect with others (virtually, of course). I'm home with my family so not completely alone but I have found that connecting with others, whether it be a text to a family member or Facetime with a friend or taking specific time to connect with yourself. In general, I really value connecting with others. While it may be a little more difficult to "see" friends, it has been so good for my soul to talk about things I've been feeling and going through with people who really care. Community is extremely important to me and while my community might currently be virtual, I am still trying to tend to it each day.

Simplifying and being more flexible with my expectations for what I accomplish each day when working from home has taken a load off my shoulders. It is so freeing to look at my to-do list and be excited by the things I get to do each day instead of dread them.

While I hope this Coronavirus induced working from home doesn't last forever, I am making conscious shifts in my lifestyle to bring more ease and peace. Honestly, I don't see my routine changing that much once this subsides. I'm extremely grateful for this time to pause, slow down, and truly explore what my "perfect day" looks like. I'm gaining clarity on the priorities I want to bring into my life from here on out.

I hope you are safe and well. I hope you are able to find some inner peace and ease throughout all of the unknowns.

"Letting go means letting come and go–letting be. It means coming to accept what can’t be changed even while working for positive growth, change, and transformation. Letting be is a way of oneness and loving life in all its surprising forms."

Lama Surya Das, Letting Go of the Person You Used to Be



Spirituality 101: My Spiritual Journey


How I'm Embracing Stillness During Quarantine