Using Planetary Rulers to Make Your Week Easier

Did you know that each day of the week is ruled by a different planet? When I first started learning about Astrogeography and studying the archetypal energy of each planet, I was fascinated by daily planetary rulers. Just like I use each astrological season to guide shadow work in my free offering, ASTROSHADOW, this is another way to use the energy already at play to bring ease to your life.

Why Should I Care?

Regardless of it you believe in astrology or the influence of planetary rulers, the energy is there. I choose to use this knowledge to live with more intention and work with the energy around me rather than unconsciously against it. In the past few weeks, as I have been working more closely with the daily rulers, I have noticed more productivity, energy, and a feeling of alignment in my everyday life. Whether you believe in it or not, this is simply a tool to help make things a little easier for you.

How Does It Work?

Like I said, each day of the week has a planetary ruler. That's why Mondays feel vastly different from Fridays. Mondays are ruled by the Moon while Fridays are ruled by Venus. Both planets have completely different personalities and support different areas of our life. The Moon is connected to our emotions, intuition, rest, healing, and nurturing. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and harmony. Each planet, therefore each day, has a completely different energy. Learning this energy can help you understand how to use that energy to support you throughout the week.

The Daily Planetary Rulers

Monday – The Moon

Tuesday – Mars

Wednesday – Mercury

Thursday – Jupiter

Friday – Venus

Saturday – Saturn

Sunday – The Sun

Using Planetary Energy in Your Life

You can harness the energy of a specific planet regardless of what day it is or what day it rules. Plus, planets like Uranus, Pluto, and Neptune don't rule a day of the week but still have incredible energy to work with. One thing I always tell my Astrogeography clients is: you can use this energy without moving. Understanding and using planetary energy is a form of manifestation; it's literally just being intentional with where you are putting your energy.

Let's say for example you have been struggling to finish a big work project. Call in Saturn. Bring discipline, routine, and order into your life to help you finish out the project. Some ways to call in Saturn could be wearing a "uniform" while you're working, writing out a to-do list, or limiting distractions. If there's something you are looking to work on in your life, I guarantee there's a planet that can help support you.

How to Get Started

So you're interested in using planetary energy. Lucky for you, I just released a new freebie that dives deep into each of the planets and how to use their energy to support you. Weekly Planetary Alignment is a free Notion document that goes over each of the daily planetary rulers, what to do on each day of the week, and how to call in the energy of each planet. There are simple things like colors to wear or foods to eat but also ways to schedule your week around the energy of each day. I have so much fun working with these energies. Above all, it has helped me be more intentional and focused with where I place my energy. Whether the planets are helping me or it's all in my head, I have experienced greater ease simply by placing my intention on the planets.


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