The Truth About Aries Season From An Aries


Aries season is a beautiful time of rebirth, hope, and energy. Coupled with the Spring Equinox, Aries season indicates the beginning of the astrological year and the end of winter (in the Northern Hemisphere). As an Aries, this season feels like home to me. I feel ready to follow through on the ideas that I cultivated within the hibernation of winter and open to the possibilities of the year ahead. 

It is not necessary you understand the details of Aries season in order to feel the energy around us – it’s happening whether we are aware of it or not. The Aries archetype is one that is close to my heart and that I have worked with deeply throughout my life thus far. Aries, ruled by Mars, is the baby of the zodiac but has a deep yearning for action, new beginnings, and independence. Aries is deeply connected to the self and “I am” – this season asks us to look at our self and how we operate in this world. Depending on what house Aries shows up in your chart, these themes may show up in different ways but the basic archetype is the same nonetheless.

The Importance of Self Discovery

The most important relationship we have in life is the one we have with ourselves. Yet so many people take little time to cultivate and nourish this relationship. Self discovery is a process in which we explore the depths of our being–think of it as dating yourself. How can you honor yourself if you don’t know yourself? Aries asks us to see our own worth and don’t apologize about it. We all have something unique to offer to the world and that’s what makes being a human so beautiful. Find your own inner sparkle. In my own personal journey, self discovery has been an anchor and key to the contentment I feel. I have spent years tending to the relationship with myself. Now, I am in a place where I don’t question my worth, capabilities, or deservingness. I am able to show up in this world authentically and unapologetically without the need of external validation. This work did not happen overnight and is never really over but the energy of the Aries archetype has carried me through it all.

Honor Your Own Intuition

If there’s anytime to be selfish, it is during Aries season. Just like my relationship with myself, my relationship with my intuition has been cultivated through time. Honoring my intuition looks like listening to my gut instincts, checking in with myself before others, and knowing that I always know what is best for me. Many people look down upon selfishness–and in an extreme when it is hurting others, I agree. But, in some ways, selflessness and ignoring your own needs/inner knowing may be the most selfish thing you can do. I’ve learned that when you honor and prioritize your own knowing, you are able to show up more fully to serve those around you. The shadow of Aries is selfishness. Though, I think it is courageous to live a life in which, you don’t let the worry of what others will think. It is also difficult to live able to trust yourself completely and wholeheartedly. We are taught to depend on external validation and assurance; it is a radical choice to live a life where you trust in yourself first.

Channel Your Anger

Another shadow of Aries is anger. Ruled by Mars (our will, drive, and aggression), Aries can be a little feisty. Although I never resonated with the anger of Aries, I’ve seen it and I’ve learned it is important to channel your anger. After Pisces season and the stillness of winter, we may have stuck emotions or energy within our body. Practices that move this energy as crucial to remaining clear and staying in the light of the archetype. Move your body. Go on a run. Do yoga. Have a dance party. Move the energy throughout your before it piles up and explodes like a volcano. As humans, we are able to feel a full spectrum of emotions and no one is better than the others–anger is okay and valid to feel. Often anger is something we can get stuck in or that can build up which leads to more harm than good. Feel the emotions coming up and move through them. Everything we feel has something to teach us, what do you have to learn today?

Worry Less About Perfection & More About Experience

Aries is all about experiencing life. While sometimes known as a sign that has trouble following through, Aries sees all that life has to offer and wants to experience it all. Follow your curiosities and the things that peak your interest. Aries season is not about figuring it all as much as it is about trying it all so you can get clear on what you do and don’t want. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes or take a leap of faith–Aries is all about just going for it and not thinking too much about the future. If any ideas have been circulating throughout your brain, this is a great time to take action and begin turning these ideas into reality. Life is never perfect and there is no right/wrong way to live–we simply live and things always work themselves out. The biggest illusion in life is that we have control over how it will pan out. Take a lesson from Aries and release your attachment to control and focus more on the things that feel good in your body, fun, expansive, and exciting.

One of my greatest gratitudes of this life is the journey I have with the Aries archetype. With my sun at 29 degrees of Aries, the lessons of this sign are deeply engrained in my being. Some may say that this lifetime is a graduation from the lessons of Aries. Because of that, I feel so deeply connected to both the shadow and light of the sign. I feel there is so much to be learned from the bright eyed, confident, independent sign of Aries. Aries creates the container for us to build a strong foundation for the rest of the areas of our lives. When we become strong in ourselves, we become strong in how we move throughout the world and this lifetime. 

Go Deeper

If you want to dive deeper into the energy of Aries season and into your relationship with yourself, I invite you to sign up for my latest offering ASTROSHADOW. A monthly email that harnesses the energy of each astrological season to guide you through shadow work for a deeper understanding of self. 


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