The Surprising Power of Your Words & Gemini Season

Gemini season is all about communication. Being an air sign, Gemini season needs mental stimulation or else it gets bored, quick. This month is a great time to expand your social circle, start a new hobby or class, work on communication skills, anything to get your mind working. If you want to dive deeper into what to expect this Gemini season, you can do so here.

The Impact of Our Words

While thinking about what Gemini season means, I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting on communication and the impact my words have. If you know me, you know I love writing and speaking and expressing myself through my words (heck, you are currently reading my blog LOL). It’s easy to look at the ways we are sharing our words with the world and even how we communicate on a micro scale with the people we interact with on a daily basis. But, do you ever think about the impact your words have on yourself?

One of the most beneficial changes I made in my life was shifting the way I spoke to myself. Overtime, I worked to let go of negative self talk (in my head or out loud) and I began showing myself more grace and compassion. The truth is, the impact of our words is much more powerful than we give ourselves credit for.

For example,

Something as simple as saying, “I’m so dumb” after making a mistake programs your subconscious mind to believe that you are dumb.

“I’m so fat.”

“I am a stupid b*tch.”

“I hate my body.”

“I’m so stupid. I can’t believe I did that.”

When was the last time you said something like this to yourself? How often do you say something like this to yourself?

You may say, Nikki I say it but I don’t really believe any of that stuff. I’m just messing around. Your conscious brain may believe that but your subconscious mind just takes in these messages day after day. 

You create the image you have of yourself.

The way you speak to yourself matters. 

I have a friend who, whenever he hears someone talk down to themselves, he says, “don’t talk to my friend like that.”

Would you speak to your friends the way that you speak to yourself?

You are your own friend. The relationship you have with yourself is the longest, deepest, and most intimate relationship you will have throughout your entire life. Tend to that relationship. Give it love just like you would a relationship with another humxn being.

The next time you catch yourself speaking to yourself in a negative way, I invite you to reframe it.

Instead of “I hate myself” say, “I am doing the best that I can.”

Instead of “I’m so stupid” say, “I made a mistake and that’s okay.”

Instead of “I hate my body” say. “I am grateful for all that my body does for me.”

By reframing the way we speak to ourselves, we are reprogramming the narratives we hold about ourself. Even if you don’t consciously believe the reframe, say it anyway. Repeat it over and over and over again until you do believe it. Until the conscious thought effortlessly flows into something more positive and affirming. 

Like I said earlier, our subconscious mind doesn’t care if we believe in a thought or not. It will take in whatever you feed it and that forms the narratives we have about ourselves.

This Gemini season uses the power of your words for good; with others and with yourself. Our voice is powerful. Our voice has the ability to change the world. We must speak clearly and intentionally in order to evoke this power to it’s fullest extent.


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