Solo Travel in Bologna, Italy

Top of the Asinelli Tower

The Italy travels continue. This year I spent my birthday solo traveling in Bologna, Italy. I spent 5 days in Bologna and took a day trip to Modena–home of Osteria Francescana, the #1 restaurant in the world. My time in Bologna, after spending 10 days with friends traveling through Rome and Florence, was quiet and included a lot of "me" time. This trip was for me and while some days weren't as easy, I had an incredible time.

I really fell in love with Bologna and Modena. Visiting the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy has been a dream of mine for the past few years since it is the foodie capital of Italy. I have always felt called to visit but I can't specify a reason why. The food, yes, is incredible. But there's something about Bologna that I really fell in love with. The colors of the buildings, the energy of the city, the porticos, the authentic Italian experience that is hard to find in touristy cities. I felt very at home during my trip–like I was in the right place at the right time.

making homemade pasta for my birthday!

I spent my 21st birthday learning how to make pasta, admiring the hills of Bologna, and eating as much gelato as possible. This was not the way I expected to spend my 21st birthday. Nor was it like any birthday I have ever had. It was quiet. It was not extraordinary. But it was me. I spent it doing everything I wanted to do. While I kept in touch with friends and family during the day, I missed their presence. I missed being able to get together with all of my friends to celebrate but I now realize that a birthday is just a day and those times of connection can happen on any day of the year.

If you're reading this, then you're probably a lot like me: traveling to Bologna for the food. It's pretty hard to go wrong but here's where I tried during my time in Bologna (including my favorite gelato in ALL of Italy)

To Do in Bologna

  • Stay in this lovely Bed & Breakfast
  • Climb the Asinelli Tower (book in advance)
  • Hike up 660 porticos to Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca for amazing views of the countryside
  • Learn how to make 5 different types of homemade pasta
  • Sit in Piazza Maggiore
  • Admire San Petronio cathedral
  • Food Tour!
  • MAMbo - Bologna's modern art museum
  • Day trip to Modena (other options: Parma, Rimini, Venice, etc.)

To Eat in Bologna

the best gelato of my life


  • Incucina: little bistro great for lunch, really good pasta
  • Osteria Dell’Orsa: cheap local osteria with a small menu but all homemade and so good. Get the tagliatelle al ragu
  • Sfoglia Rina* - pasta / pasta shop SO GOOD
  • Oltre - hipster take on bolognese classics great cocktails (& the best mocktail I’ve had) really good service they brought a candle in my dessert for my bday:)


  • Simoni Laboratorio (best for charcuterie - get the focaccia too!)
  • Un’Altra Idea: vegan café lots of vegan sweets
  • Tigellino (next to a Piadina shop which is also traditional): little buns almost filled with meats/cheese/veg good for a snack or light lunch!


  • Café Gamberini: amazing pastry selection
  • Senza Nome (bar): good for apertivo or to hang out at night
  • Vetro: by Giardini Margherita park; located inside of an old greenhouse. So so cute great to do work
  • Osteria Del Sole: cheap beer/wine you bring your own food...great for apertivo. It’s the oldest osteria in the city!!
  • Pappare: great little café good for BRUNCH and also a really creative hip (vegan options) all day menu as well
  • Ca’Pelletti: cute café with breakfast good lunch (sandwiches but also pasta)



My time in Bologna was good for the soul. It was extremely healing but also helped me realize just how lucky I am to have so many incredible people in my life. Solo traveling allows you to get to know yourself on a deeper level than you ever thought was possible. I am so grateful to have this relationship with myself and the opportunity to spend time in places that I used to only dream about.

To get the full story on how I manifested meeting Massimo Bottura (chef at Osteria Francescana) head over to my Youtube channel!



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