So You're Interested in Reiki?

Reiki is something that I’ve felt called to for quite some time. At the Good Fest in 2018, Reiki Master Kelsey Patel, guided the audience through a group Reiki healing meditation. Since then, I have met a few friends who are Reiki masters and continue to hear more and more about this ancient healing technique. Despite feeling the call, I haven’t received it or even to learn more about it until this past March. I have learned more about what Reiki is in the past few months. My friend, Lauren, gifted me a distance session so I can tell you what to expect when it comes to receiving and learning more about Reiki.

What Is Reiki?

According to,, “Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.”

The biggest misconception I had prior to now? I always thought it was a thing you do like acupuncture or yoga but in reality, Reiki is simply an energy within us.

One big thing to remember: we all have the ability to tap into the universal life force energy. You don’t have to receive an attunement to feel the power of Reiki. Although, if you’re called to learn more about this spiritual energy, an attunement is a great place to learn about harnessing the power of Reiki and developing a deeper connection between Source and self.

Lauren Brown (@Lauren.Lovelight) says “Reiki is a very gentle and kind energy. It flows through the practitioner from the Universal source of energy to go where it needs to. It has been around since the dawn of time and anyone can practice it. Some practitioners never actually build a business, but rather use the energy on themselves and their families.”

Lauren entered into the world of Reiki and spirituality in 2018 as a result of stress and anxiety from her job. In addition, back pains led her to see a massage therapist regularly. Her massage therapist, Inez Donmeyer, is a Reiki master and invited Lauren to participate in a Level 1 Reiki training at her studio in Westminster, Maryland. Lauren immediately got the ping to join without question. This training became Lauren's "gateway drug" into spirituality and developing her intuition.

In January 2018, Lauren received her Level 1 attunement followed by Level 2 in June of 2018 and finally, she became a Reiki Master in April of 2019. After being attuned to Reiki, she discovered her gifts of being able to be a medium for souls that have crossed over and exploring past lives. Reiki is a healing energy but also can be the gateway for a deeper spiritual connection, as Lauren’s journey shows. 

What to expect at your first Reiki healing session

Prior to my session with Lauren, I had asked her if I needed to prepare for the healing in any way. She told me, “your highest self will prepare you, don’t worry about it!” I didn’t think twice and instead trusted that I would receive whatever healing I needed. The week leading up to the session, I felt restless, unmotivated, and simply searching for clarity in my path. My intention going in was to move stuck energy and find clarity and trust within me (whatever that means lol). 

Lauren is a gem and makes you feel so welcomed and comfortable. She feels like an old friend I have known forever (hellllooo past lives). The distance session zoom which simply required me just to sit, meditate, and be open to receive. Lauren did all of the heavy lifting. While I felt tingling through my arms and warmth around me at some parts; what really amazed me was what Lauren channeled throughout the session.

She sensed a deep-rooted blockage in my solar plexus and got a download of something that I am in the very beginning phases of creating. Also connected me to several guides and angels that wanted to say hi. And even began humming a song that I always have envisioned at my wedding. The things she said throughout the session were things that I have been getting downloads about or thinking about a lot lately–THAT’S NOT A COINCIDENCE! Lauren is an amazing channel and I felt immediately lighter after the session. Updates to come on if I notice any differences once everything integrates.

How to use Reiki

My biggest piece of advice is to find a Reiki practitioner who you trust and feel comfortable with. When beginning your journey with Reiki, it can be helpful to receive the energy and learn from a guide (Reiki master) if feeling called to go deeper into the practice. Attunements are necessary clearings that tune you into the frequency of your connection to the life force energy. 

If an attunement isn’t calling your name right now, that’s okay. You can still tap into the energy of Reiki!

How to connect to the Universal Life Force (Reiki!) Energy:

  1. Simply sit down with your feet grounded, spine straight, and eyes closed. Start by rubbing your hands together in front of your chest.
  2. Continue for about 30 seconds building heat between your hands.
  3. Now, slowly draw your hands apart and together slowly and feel the energy between your palms.
  4. You can place your hands over your eyes or heart to receive the healing energy.

I learned this exercise through Kelsey Patel’s free Introduction to Reiki course on mindbodygreen. It's a great place to begin understanding the basics of the practice!

You can find Lauren on Instagram at @Lauren.Lovelight or book a session with her at 


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