The Ultimate Smoothie Bowl Topping Guide

IMG_3872.JPGAcaí bowls, pitaya bowls, or just plain 'ole smoothie bowls. While some may think this is just another trend like avocado toast or rolled ice cream, I think it's revolutionary. While the OG smoothie will always have a place in my heart, adding toppings not only adds lots of nutrients but also FLAVOR.Sometimes I like to keep my smoothie bowl simple with with some chia seeds, sliced banana, and a drizzle of honey but other times I just throw every superfood I have in and don't worry about the #aesthetic.First, let's talk about the difference between a regular smoothie and a smoothie bowl. In all honesty, this can be a personal preference but smoothie bowls tend to have a thicker consistency so the base is more like ice-cream and less like milk. Now I am awful at eyeballing liquids when it comes to my blender so on most days, my smoothie bowl is slightly runny–but still tastes just as good! In order to get a thicker/thinner smoothie consistency, just add more/less liquid. Easy peasy, lemon squeazy!

Before we get into toppings, let's talk about something just as important: what actually goes into the base of the smoothie?

While this is completely dependent on what flavors you like or in the mood for, there are a few things that I always add to my smoothies.Frozen banana: This adds creaminess and natural sugars to the base. I always say, "a banana a day keeps the doctor away."Some kinda green (most likely, spinach): Adding your greens to a smoothie or smoothie bowl are a great way to your daily vegetable intake.Try blending your greens with liquid before you add in the rest of your base ingredients.Coconut Water: You could use almond milk, coconut milk, etc. but I love the antioxidants in coconut water. I hate drinking it plain but in a smoothie, you can barely taste it.Ground Flax Seeds: Flax seeds have tons of omega-3s which help your skin and hair, keep you full, and promote digestive health.Maca Powder: Maca is great for all the ladies because it regulates hormonal balance. It also is known to increase energy and stamina, and mental focus.I'm not going to lie–maca powder does has a strong taste but it's not bad. Maca has a caramel/malt-like flavor that can sometimes overpower your smoothie so don't add too much. Protein Powder: You can never get enough protein, right? Ha! I don't want to jinx that because you definitely can. But for me, since I eat mostly plant-based (+ some fish), I take the protein wherever I can get it. I have been loving Aloha's Vanilla Protein Powder. Plant-Based and all simple, clean ingredients,YAY!Some other great additions are spirulina (algae with little taste but amazing nutrients), dates (for a sweet, caramely taste), or a nut butter. Of course, don't forget to add more fruit or even frozen veggies to the smoothie bowl.

Here we go, toppings time!

Processed with VSCO with g3 presetChia Seeds: I love chia seeds. I literally throw them on anything. They are little powerhouses packed with omega-3 fatty acids and they contain TONS of fiber.Hemp Seeds: These bad boys have a subtle nutty flavor and provide a soft crunch to your smoothie bowls. Like chia seeds, these are full of fat–the good kind, don't worry.Granola: Granola is my guilty pleasure. Man oh man, do I love granola. My favorite is the Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter granola from LoveCrunch but I can eat the whole bag in one sitting so I usually go for Purely Elizabeth's grain-free granola (just as good, but not as addicting).Sliced Banana: Or blueberries. Or strawberries. Or any type of fruit you're feelin' today.Coconut Flakes: I love the texture that coconut flakes add to my smoothie bowl. Also the coconut taste isn't so bad either.Cacao Nibs: Did you know cacao is the source of original, natural chocolate? Curb your chocolate cravings with these nutrient-packed powerhouses.I used to love Java Chip Frappuccinos from Starbucks but they contain a tad too much sugar for me now. Cacao Nibs remind me of the little java chip chunks in those frappes...just much healthier :)Honey or Agave Drizzle: I will say, I am trying to eliminate some of the sugars from my diet so I haven't been doing this as much, I am a honey fiend. I love how it adds a sticky/chewy element to the bowl. YUM.Nut Butter: Sometimes when I want a bowl that's a little heartier and filling, I'll add a drizzle of almond butter or peanut butter to the top of my bowl. It adds a tad more protein and let's be honest, can you ever have enough nut butter?Check the ingredients on your nut butters! Many can be filled with added sugars and fillers which taste yummy but aren't the best for you–just nuts, please!!Processed with VSCO with oc presetReady to embark on the smoothie bowl trend? Hopefully I helped you out a bit and now you feel confident to tackle the superfood section of Whole Foods. Smoothies and smoothie bowls can be great as snacks or a lighter meal, but make sure you listen to your body and eat more if you are still hungry after eating one! Sometimes I forget that a smoothie doesn't always equate to a full meal. Listen to your body, people!Be sure to tag me in pictures of your latest smoothie bowl creation on Instagram @naturallynicoletta :)XONikki 


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