Responding to Life as a Generator: Human Design

image credit @humandesignpdx

I love learning about myself and I love using all of the "hippy dippy" tools out there to do that. I'm talking about astrology, numerology, enneagram, and human design. While, yeah, these things can seem out there and kind of vague, once you start diving deep into your charts and the specifics, it's spot on. I don't read my horoscopes but rather I see all of these things simply as permission to be my authentic self. It gives me the assurance that I am the way I am for a reason and I can lean into that to bring more ease into my life.

Recently, I've been learning more about my human design. If you're not familiar, human design is "a map of our soul's contract with the Universe. It's a tool for getting rid of all the habits and beliefs we've picked up over the years that aren't actually aligned with who we are at our core so that we can realign with the highest version of ourselves" (I get all of my HD information from Interior Creature and Jenna Zoe). There are 5 main HD types: generator, manifestor, manifesting generator, projector, and reflector. Each of these has a different purpose, path, and way of being in this world. Our HD chart goes WAY more in-depth than just our design type but in a course, I took by Jenna Zoe, she stated that the most important thing we can do in relation to learning about our HD is to understand and live out our design type.

Before I get into my experience and what I've learned from my human design, HD originated as a sort of life experiment. It's less about living in this rigid box but more about seeing your life and implementing more of your design as an experiment–just to see how it works (or maybe doesn't– does work haha). Human design is all about learning more about who we are and how we interact best in the world.

What is a Generator?

So, my human design type is a generator. (To find your type, go to, enter in all of the information and you can pull your chart up) Essentially as a generator, my purpose is to respond with a focus on really getting to know myself. According to Interior Creature, as a generator, we have a three-step process to: wait, react, respond. We have a defined sacral center that guides the intuition and is why I can feel a gut yes or no when responding to situations.

As Generators we are designed to LOVE what we do, and we're supposed to feel a deep sense of fulfillment and accomplishment through our work, whether that work is in a career we love, directed toward a hobby or passion project, or devoted to raising and supporting a family. The only way that we receive that sense of fulfillment is by tuning into our body's response and only committing ourselves to the things that elicit a FUCK YES.

- Interior Creature

So what have I done with all of this information?

Lately, I've been trying to listen to my sacral center and let my gut guide my decisions. I've given myself permission to let go of things or take breaks from things that no longer light me up, I have been a little more spontaneous with my decision making, and I have been trying to remain open to what the Universe wants to bring me – all without judgment, just curiosity.

For me, I see it as following the little pings I get each day to do things. This blog post? Came to me while doing homework in a coffee shop. I applied for a part-time job while watching Netflix the other day because it sounded really good. I haven't been posting on Instagram because I haven't really had much to say, and that's ok.

I'm still learning about my human design and what it really means to live as open as possible so I can simply respond to the world around me. Generators have a stereotype of being "worker bees" but that's because when we really love something, we can work for hours and put everything in it. But we REALLY have to love it.

It's funny because I've always felt shame around the fact that I'm not one of those people who can just "get things done" if I don't feel like it. At some of my past internships that haven't excited me, I felt so heavy, lethargic, and like I physically couldn't do the work. That quality used to terrify me because I feared that I would always have a job where I'd have to do things that I didn't want to do and I would always just feel unsatisfied. But, now I know that I just have to find what excites me and all of the work (even the not so fun stuff) will feel more in flow.

Walking through life as if it is some sort of experiment has been fun. It releases the pressure to be productive or "succeed" or not make mistakes or be perfect. I give myself permission to lean into the unknown, make space for what has yet to come, and live my life through joy and love.

Some of my favorite Instagram accounts for Human Design:

  • @jennazoe
  • @interiorcreature
  • @willow.rising
  • @erinclairejones
  • @vanesshenry
  • @humandesignpdx

Are you familiar with Human Design? What is your type? Want to hear more about the tools I use to get to know myself deeper? Leave a comment below or message me on Instagram! @naturallynicoletta


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