It's Gonna Be May (Intentions)

As each month comes to an end, I find myself thinking "where did this month go?!" April was good to me. It's always my favorite month–because of my birthday, of course. One of my biggest intentions for April was to show up for myself and I really feel that I did that. I stayed consistent with doing the things that make me feel good (eating wise and working out), and one of the biggest things I am now doing is speaking my truth. No longer am I staying/doing/thinking things because of what others want but rather what I want. It's pretty freeing and I'm proud of myself for it. A new month means new intentions and I think May just might be the best month for me thus far.My intentions always seem to have similar themes from month to month but I never really set any tangible goals. How can I grow and eventually achieve these intentions without a plan? This month, although separated by abstract themes, I am putting out straight forward intentions of things I can do each day. I'll be anxious to see how things change or what I will get out of challenging myself to actually do something each day.

no phone/laptop/doing work  while eating. focus on the food and the people around you.

I am proud of myself because I finally feel that I am living more mindfully. I realized how many times I rush my meals or hardly even enjoy them because I am too preoccupied scrolling through Instagram or watching something on my laptop. I don't only want to be present while eating  my meals but also snacks. I want to savor each bite and focus on slowing down. Not only will this, hopefully, force me to be more mindful but it's going to be much better for my digestion. I have always been one to scarf down my food which usually leads to a stomach ache (no fun). It's almost habit for me to take out my phone when I am eating, especially if I am alone, but I am looking forward to breaking this habit.

write down 3-5 things you are thankful for at the end of each day.

I really have fallen in love with journaling this year. I usually journal before bed but a lot of times it's just me rambling about different things I am thinking about (kind of like this blog, haha). I have seen a lot about gratitude practices and how they can open the space for abundance in our lives. I have so much to be thankful for–in my life in general and specifically in my day to day. A lot of times, we have a tendency to take many things for granted. I want to be aware of those things and offer my gratitude. This will also go along with my mindfulness journey and living in the present moment!

reading every night before bed! - no phone!!

Aside from journaling, I have also rekindled my love for reading. I have gotten into a pretty good habit of reading most nights before bed but lately I have found myself staying on my phone a little bit later which cuts into my reading and sleeping time. I want to get into a better habit of putting my phone away and reading. I am on a kick of reading self help books but my best friend got me a book on the history of "Hippie Food" – there's so much out there to learn about :)

a few of my favorite April memories...

I have decided that I want to use this summer as a chance to slow down, take a step back, and get prepared for the upcoming year (that is inevitably going to be filled with heaps of change). While I know my summer is going to be busy, I am going to take time for myself to rest. It is finally clicking in my brain that my self worth does not stem from constantly being busy. It's easy to get caught up in our society that thrives off of "hustling" but that isn't always a sustainable way of living. Just something to think about.

There's No Need for All Nighters


20 life lessons I have learned in the past 20 years