How to Honor The Summer Solstice

On Sunday June 20th, the Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year. This marks the beginning of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere. With the solstice coinciding with the start of Cancer season (learn more about that here); there's a lot happening in the cosmos. Summer is a time of ripeness and abundance. This is the season to enjoy the fruits of our labor; and look back at all the seeds planted in January.

The Summer Solstice honors summer and serves as a celebration for what is to come in the year. In Pagan traditions, the summer solstice, also known as Litha, is celebrated as; "a fire festival worshipping the strength of the sun through singing and dancing as a way to elevate the energy."

The Energy of The Sun

Since the Summer Solstice essentially honors the Sun, let's talk about the energy of the Sun for a moment. This archetypical energy is a vibrant, fiery, masculine energy. The Sun loves to see itself, get out into the world, and experience true joy. He reminds me that it is okay to bask in my own authenticity. The Sun asks us to see ourselves, to inspire and be inspired, to get out into the world and show up unapologetically.

In Astrogeography, I love Sun lines because they are the places in the world where we have support to clearly see ourselves. In addition, support for creativity, self-esteem, self-love, and being known for what you do. Think about the difference between looking outside when it is daylight versus nighttime. When it's dark, you can't see anything. But, when the sun comes out, we are able to see life with greater detail and clarity. Think of the energy of the Sun as a way to see ourselves more clearly. The Sun doesn't pick and choose who he shines its light on; we are all allowed to truly see ourselves.

The Summer Solstice a the peak or climax of the year. It's when the northern hemisphere is closest to the sun so we feel all of the magical energy that much more. If you're into astrology, like I am, I see the summer solstice like the Midheaven (the highest point of our chart). Let yourself show up unapologetically this solstice. Tap into this Sun energy like the bada** that you are.

A Summer Solstice To-Do List

  • Watch sunrise and/or sunset
  • Sunbathe
  • Meditate under the sun
  • Spend time in nature
  • Have a dance party with all of your friends (& stay up all night!)
  • Wear red, orange, or yellow...or anything you feel absolutely radiant in
  • Reflect on everything you've accomplished this year
  • Journal about all the things you love about yourself & how to live more authentically & unapologetically


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