How to Avoid Getting Sick (Well, Kind of)

I like to joke that 'seasonal allergies' are my middle name. And by seasonal allergies, I literally mean allergies during every season not just Spring or Fall.It's not fun. But I have been just dealing with it for the past 4 or 5 years. It used to only be really bad at the start of every season but this past year I couldn't get my allergies under control. I got sick multiple times during my freshman year and two times during the summer.Now when I say that I get allergies, I don't just mean a sniffly nose or a scratchy throat. My "seasonal allergies" are predictable. It starts with a really sore throat for a few days. Then moves into my head (headaches, puffy eyes). Then the sore throat starts to feel better and the next day I begin loosing my voice. That goes on for a few days then I start getting my voice back but then I get a cough for a week or so until all of the drainage gets out. It's no fun. And it lasts about a week and a half to two weeks, if I'm lucky.It sounds pretty sad that I have just been *dealing* with this...but I never saw the pattern until my senior year of high school when I noticed the same things kept happening. I have a few speculations as to why allergies always seem to get the best of me (poor gut health, not enough protein) buuut that's just me being the queen of self-diagnosing.With all that being said, over the years I have researched, tried, and learned some things that work for me. These are some of the things I do to prevent getting allergies or at least help them not be so bad. Whenever I feel that little tickle in my throat I try to do everything I can to stop it from going any further. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Like I have said before, I am not a doctor or a professional. This is just from personal research and trial and error.

What To Do if You Don't Want to Be Sick:

Note: This is not a sponsored post. These are my opinions and some of my favorite brands/products. Just trying to share what works for me, and hopefully it helps you too :)

Drink 2x's the amount of water you usually drink

       I usually drink a lot of water throughout the day but when I feel sick, I go crazy with the water. I’m talking 3-5 big Swell Water Bottles throughout the day if not more. This may seem simple but I swear it’s vital to flushing the allergies through your system.

Eat TONS of greens

Once again, on a regular basis, I try and have greens with every meal. When I’m sick, I still do this but I try and eat more. I have been loving the chocolate super greens powder from Amazing Grass–just throw it in a smoothie and you’re all set for a quick breakfast/lunch. Check out my Immunity Boosting Smoothie recipe at the end of this post!

Wash your hands (DUH!)

       Washing your hands is the #1 thing you’re told to do when cold and flu season rolls around. I don’t have to tell you the benefits, just do it.

Sweat it out!

       While high intensity exercises might not be the best when you are all congested, sometimes low impact workouts like pilates, yoga, or even a brisk walk around the neighborhood can make you feel a little better.

Cut out or cut back on inflammatory foods

       For most people, this is the hardest. There are a few things to cut down on when you are feeling under the weather: dairy, gluten, fried foods, and sugar. Dairy produces a lot of mucus in your body so when you are sick you don’t want any more mucus, right?! Not everyone has a gluten intolerance, but a diet that has a heavy intake of grains/gluten has been shown to lead to bad gut health which leads to a weakened immune system. Finally, fried foods and sugar; we all know they aren’t the best for us. I know when you’re sick, you just want comfort food but try to cut back until you are feeling better.

Get that beauty sleep

       Sleep is SO important when you aren’t feeling well. I don’t know the logistics but I am convinced there are tiny little doctors in our body when we are sick and they only work when we are asleep. I’m telling ya, sleep can work wonders.

Tea, warm lemon water, and LOCAL honey

       Chamomile Tea is an antibacterial and can help you get over your cold/allergies quicker. Warm lemon water with honey not only is soothing to a scratchy throat but the lemon also helps flush that sickness out and the honey coats and soothes the throat.

Amp up the Vitamin C

       Emergen-C, Vitamin C gummies, oranges, etc. While not scientifically proven, loading up on Vitamin C always helps me give the ‘lil boost that I need to my immune system.

Holistic allergy pills

My dad has been giving me Pe Min Kan Wan Chinese allergy pills ever since I can remember. These pills are supposed to help with nose allergies–and honestly, I used to think it was a bunch of bologna but lately I have been taking them and my nose hasn’t been stuffy at all.

Drink more water

       Seriously, if you take one thing from this blog post; when you are sick, drink as much water as you can. It’ll be annoying to pee all the time but I promise, it will flush the allergies out of your system.

If you're desperate, here's a few more "remedies"

  • Turmeric (in tea, food, ground up in a "shot") has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant
  • Garlic is a powerful antioxidant with antimicrobial, antiviral and antibiotic properties. For colds and flus, it also provides decongestant and expectorant effects
  • Ginger is amazing.The University of Maryland Medical Center states that to treat cold and flu symptoms in adults, steep 2 tbsp. of freshly shredded or chopped ginger root in hot water, two to three times a day.

The sad truth to having allergies or being sick is that there is not magical potion that will make you feel better (I WISH!!). Sometimes you just have to rest and riiiiiide it out. While doing all of these things help me manage my allergies, they might not all help you. So try it out, see what works and what doesn't and let's hope we can get through the cold and flu season without feeling completely terrible 24/7.XO,Nikki[recipe][recipe title= "Immunity Boosting Smoothie" servings="1" time="5 minutes" difficulty="easy" image="" description="A low-sugar smoothie that packs protein, healthy fat, and tons of greens to kick that cold in the butt”/][recipe-notes]Note: You can sub whatever fruit you want, I just love blueberries. Also, feel free to add a nut butter or some granola on top for a heartier smoothie.[/recipe-notes][recipe-ingredients]- 1 scoop Amazing Grass Greens Superfood Power (I use the chocolate flavor)- 1 scoop Further Foods Collagen- 1 scoop Aloha Moment Vanilla Protein- 5 chunks of frozen coconut meat (You can find this at Trader Joe's)- A handful of frozen blueberries- A handful of any dark, leafy green (I like spinach)- 1/2 frozen banana- Dash of cinnamon- Depending on how thick you like your smoothies, add more or less liquid (I use coconut water for antioxidants)- OPTIONAL: Almond Butter[/recipe-ingredients] [recipe-directions]1. Throw everything in the blender and blend until smooth! Enjoy![/recipe-directions][/recipe]


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