Everything I Did in 3 Days in Barcelona, Spain

Let me just start by saying, don't expect to get much sleep when you visit Barcelona. I'm not proud to admit that I think I slept less than 10 hours over the three days I was there but I had one of the most amazing weekends so I think it paid off in the end. I met up with my friend Anastasia (from Land of Pleasant Eating) and her friend Courtney who had just come from Lisbon first then southern Spain then up to Barcelona to meet me. Before we get into the fun of the weekend, I just wanted to say that I am so thankful for these two beautiful ladies. Not only for including me on their European adventure but for just being such kind, genuine, and open human beings. It's crazy how the internet can bring you together with the most amazing people.Enough with the sappy friend love letter, let's get to the tapas...ándale!ACCOMODATIONS - Guesthouse Barcelona Gotic in the Gothic Quarter



Late lunch @ Flax&Kale

Ohhhhmy this place was a dream. Their concept is "flexitarian" so everything is healthy, homemade, and delicious. We had green juices, umami almonds (roasted almonds with miso and sesame seeds), essential omega-3 flatbread, Theresa's favorite kale salad, superwrap, protein balls, watermelon goat cheese salad, and a gluten free maple donut. As you could imagine, it was all amazing and I think about that menu everyday.

Dinner @ niño viejo

First of all, dinner in Spain is late. Like 10PM late. By the end of the weekend, my body got used to it...especially because I was staying up so late but I practically had two dinners each day. Second of all, I know eating Mexican food in Spain is sacrilegious BUT it was delicious and a Michelin rated restaurant and the first true tacos I've had in three months so I don't want to hear it. This meal was delicious. There are three other restaurants in this food group but we couldn't get reservations...so if you can...go to any and all of them I promise you won't regret it.

Staying up WAY too late and dancing for 5 hours straight @ Opium 

I'm not a huge party girl but I do love to dance and obviously wanted to see what all the hype is about with clubs in Spain. I'd say if you like being in a room filled with old creepy men and really obnoxious Americans studying abroad (yes, i know I am an American studying abroad but ~I'm different~) or if you can block all those things out and have the time of your life...this is the place for you. Not sure if I'd go back but it was an experience and I had an amazing time :)


Early lunch @ Mercat de la Boqueria

If you know me, you know I love food markets. Like I live for them. After a few hours of sleep, I stolled through the streets of Barcelona to the Boqueria market which is a big open air market known for its fresh produce, bacalao (salted cod), meats and cheeses, and seafood. I walked around this place in awe for at least an hour. I ended up getting a tuna empanada, avocado coconut smoothie, and a little cone of manchego cheese and organic bellota pata negra. I could come back everyday and try something new...if you're a foodie you HAVE to come here.

Park Güell

I highly suggest reserving passes to skip the line for Park Güell in advance. Gaudi's work has to be some of my favorite and I was in awe of the beautiful views of Barcelona we got from the park. There was a bit of construction going on so I was a bit underwhelmed but with those blue skies, I had nothing to complain about.

Tapas @ Jamon y Vino

If you're looking for a quick snack break next to La Sagrada Familía, Jamon y Vino has traditional Spanish tapas which although probably weren't the best in the city, they were still pretty delicious. Tortilla española, gambas al aljillo, and pan con tomate...the best afternoon snack!

La Sagrada Familía

Since coming to Europe, I've visited a lot of cathedrals. Some really beautiful ones at that but no cathedral (or building for that matter) left me in complete awe like La Sagrada Familía. When I first walked past the outside, I just stood there and stared at it for a good five minutes before my friends rushed me off because we wanted to get lunch. The architecture is so detailed and unique....and the whole cathedral isn't even finished yet! How crazy is that. Like Park Güell, I highly suggest booking your tickets ahead of time because it's nearly impossible to get in without them. The inside is just as beautiful as the outside and once again left me in complete awe.


Unfortunately, we did not plan dinner well on this day which left us with no reservations and a fairly mediocre meal. Nothing terrible but also nothing to write about so I'm not going to. Some places that I was recommended are:TAPAS: Sensí, Quimet i Quimet, La Cova Fumada, Paco Meraldo


Wine Tasting & Vineyard Tour in Penedés

This was the first AirBnB experience I have gone on and I was thoroughly impressed. While the 8AM wakeup call on a Sunday was not the smartest decision on our part, this 5 hour tour through a Cava vineyard and regular vineyard was beautiful. The wine tastings were delicious and all paired with little snacks....and I love little snacks. If you're going to Barcelona in the summer, I highly recommend this tour and try to book it earlier because it fills up quick!

Barcelona Beach

We got back from the vineyard and immediately took a nap...typical. We woke back up just in time for sunset and walked to Barceloneta to sit on the beach and take in the last few hours of being in Barcelona. This beach reminded me a lot of Santa Monica or Venice beach in Los Angeles which I loved because SoCal is one of my all time favorite places. After sitting on the beach, we walked along the water and got dinner at MakaMaka Beach Burger Café – it was delicious; be sure to get the parmesan garlic fries :)OH and I can't forget about the final little treat of the weekend – CHURROS CON CHOCOLATE from Xurreria Laietana. Don't even question me, do yourself a favor and get these. More than just once. That's my only mistake from the weekend hahahaAnd that my friends, was our weekend in Barcelona. Usually at the end of trips, I am ready to go home and get back into my routine but not this one. Barcelona felt like home. I was able to speak Spanish with locals which was a lot of fun and I just felt so at home. It's a place that just feels familiar...maybe it was my home in another life, who knows?For a more visual representation of this weekend, check out my vlog of it!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPyQMqWvTNg&feature=youtu.be  


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