Boundless Love

I must believe that this connection is possible to come by again. I must not cling to it; for I know that the force alone will suffocate and drain all of the goodness out of it.

To let go of something you feel so deeply towards is a radical act of courage that few are willing to face.

To live in a way that allows others to be as they are and knows that there is no limit of love to be shared amongst one another is revolutionary. It is the most unconditional and unrestrained way of living and it requires a deep trust in yourself to be ok regardless of what happens.

It is human nature to cling to the things that feel good to us. Yet, it is hardly recognized that that clinging and grasping is rooted in a scarcity belief that there will never be anything like it again.

What if we released our grasp in order to let the flow of the Universe take over and for us to lean into the abundant nature of life?

What if it were possible to fully be present to the goodness of something without wanting it all for ourselves forever and ever?

I believe that it is special to savor things as they are and not expect too much or too little from the goodness of each moment. When you feel profoundly, it can be intoxicating – you want to hold onto the nectar of life and the glimpse of something you possibly have been longing for your entire life.

We often fall for the potential of people, connections, opportunities and experiences.

We grab on to the instant spark, or the initial sacredness of it but we often forget that not everything is ours to keep.

Perhaps this goodness is a glimpse into the future of something you will feel again in a different context or capacity. Perhaps this is a catalyst for your own growth or may serve as a seed being planted that will completely shift the way you perceive the world. Perhaps it is simply meant to be a sacred memory held in your heart.

It is unrealistic to believe in the longevity in anything, really, but specifically in every connection we experience throughout our lifetime. Each person comes into our life for a specific reason and it would be foolish to think that even the most profound, life changing connection is also something meant to stay forever. In fact, I think the most powerful experiences happen in the blink of an eye.

It’s a whirlwind of depth that requires a raw, real expression of self and is courageous in and of itself.

It takes courage to show up in life with your heart wide open and expect nothing in return.

I am proud of myself for my willingness to love without condition – my ability to savor each moment and each connection for as long as they are meant to be. It is a practice I have seen a lot of this year and I continue to surprise myself in my ability to love and let go so effortlessly.

I am no longer afraid in the duality of emotions. As someone who spent many years numb to my own inner being, to be eager to experience the depths of my emotional being without judgement is freeing.

A deep longing has driven me forward throughout most of my life. The longing to love and be loved has informed nearly everything I have done throughout my life but I wouldn’t change that for a thing. Although this quality has led me to the depths of grief, disappointment, sadness and disorientation, it has deepened my capacity to feel love, awe, connection and an unconditional willingness to open to another soul. It is one of my favorite things about myself. It is tender, innocent and naïve in its own way but it is also extremely human.

I once tried to hide my longing. I hid it inside of hyper independence which only led the longing to grow within me like a beast locked inside of a cage. I felt as if I was living two lives – my inner and outer life that always felt in discordance with one another.

I now let my longing flow through me and guide me in my life. I trust myself enough to tame it and know that it is pure and comes from a place of the most human desire to be seen, loved and held by another. There is a desire to feel belonging in this world that teaches us to distinguish ourselves within the group, while also placing worth in your ability to find a natural sense of belonging and place in the world.

Some may let the past experience of heartbreak negatively impact their approach to relationship and intimacy in the future; but, I choose to believe in the goodness of others. I choose to believe in the innate human desire to connect. I choose to believe that just because something did not work out with someone in the past does not diminish the connection you shared with them but rather can inform your ability to connect more deeply in the future.

How beautiful is it to connect, even briefly, with another soul in this lifetime?

I would rather experience a second of a connection filled with depth, unconditional love, curiosity and a raw and real form of magnetism rather than never at all.

And even if I never feel it again, I feel so lucky to have experienced it even once because I know that the connection (however brief) was a miracle by its very nature.

This was originally posted on my Substack, The Process. To learn and read more, subscribe here.


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