A Month In Mexico City & I Love It

I moved to Mexico City almost a month ago. To be honest, I don’t know if I’m ever going to want to leave. Our intuition almost always knows what’s best for us. I mean, for the past two years, I couldn’t stop thinking about Mexico. Now I’m here, and I have never felt so magnetic, creative, or visible in a place. As someone who has been on a constant search for a feeling of belonging; it feels damn good to be in a place where I have felt a sense of belonging since the getgo.

TLDR; In my astrogeography chart, my Sun Descendant line rights straight through Puebla, about 67 miles outside of CDMX.

The Sun is a planet of magnetism, creativity, optimism, self-confidence, and really feeling good in your body. While the descendant places emphasis on personal relationships and 1:1 connections. This is quite literally a placement where you are shining the sun and warmth on others; while they are doing the same with you. Maybe my head’s stuck in the stars but I feel this energy so strongly.

I have never felt more magnetic. It’s difficult to explain other than the fact that I truly feel seen, noticed, and like I am attracting all the right people at the right times and places. There’s a sense of ease that I feel as I move through this city; as if I have lived here before. As if it has been my home for many, many lifetimes. I have never been so sure of a place or so secure in who I am and unafraid to be as authentic as possible. Mexico City inspires me. I am inspired by the city, its people, and everything that is to be discovered here.

It's Not Just Astrology

I could blame my Sun DC for all of these feelings but I know it is about so much more than the positions of the planets in the sky; although I do think that helps. The truth is, timing has a lot to do with why I feel so secure in being here right now.

If I were to come to Mexico a year ago, I don’t think I would have been ready for it. On one hand, I was so intoxicated with the idea of living nomadically, bouncing around, and not committing to anything that I think I would have been so focused on “what’s next” that I wouldn’t have been able to fully appreciate “what’s now.” On another, I had more work to do. I needed the experiences to develop a deeper and stronger sense of self, security within myself, and an understanding of what I really want in order to get to the place that I am now. A place where I am fully ready to commit.

I no longer fear missing out on something better that has yet to come. I realize that choosing (whether it’s a place to live, partner, or job) does not mean you are stuck in it forever – a narrative I held so closely for so long. I'm now in a place where I see this choice as liberating. Nikki...ready for commitment?!? Talk about new year, new me.

So What's After Mexico?

I still don’t have a long-term plan but for now, I’m focusing on what feels good. But for now, I am choosing to be in Mexico and that choice feels incredible. I feel like I owe it to myself to see what is here for me – I want to build community, relationships, experiences, and more in this city that does feel so right for me.

This is all a testament to the power of intuition, the importance of timing, and proof that Astrogeography is real. It’s difficult to really understand or put to words the feeling that I feel here but simply put, it’s home. I thought when I was in New York, I didn’t want to live in a big city because it was too overwhelming and brought out all of my triggers of feeling unworthy but now I realize that it was just NYC that didn’t feel right and I honor that.

As much as I love Mexico City, I am now so curious to explore the world more and see how differently I feel in other places. But for now, I am here and that’s all I’m focusing on. I’m grateful to be here and for Mexico welcoming me into its arms. Life is a wild ride but I’m grateful for every single moment. As someone who spent the majority of her life lacking a sense of belonging, feeling invisible, and wondering why things never felt right, this experience is so nourishing for the little Nikki within – and if you feel that way too, trust that there are so many places in the world for you. Continue exploring. Continuing getting to know yourself. And keep faith that things will unfold exactly as they are meant to.


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