3 of The Biggest Lessons I Learned in 2020

Be honest with me: did you think 2020 would ever end? 12 months that felt more like 3 years. 2020 has been a year filled with many things–loss, grief, heartbreak, loneliness but also love, gratitude, really good music, and a pause from the life we once knew. This might be a highly unpopular opinion, but I really enjoyed 2020. I went through a personal transformation that was excruciating as it was happening but I look back and I see so much good.

In the past year, I have become more self aware and self assured. I have recognized my privilege and everything I have to be grateful for. I have realized how little I actually need to be happy. I rekindled new and old friendships as well as repaired my relationship with my hometown. In 2020, I have spent so much time with my parents that I know one day I will look back on and see how special it has been (I already can see it). This year has been a culmination of sorts–like a graduation of this chapters of my life. Pretty fitting since I did graduate college this year, too!

I spent a lot of time this year meditating, journaling, reading, and spending time doing introspective work. I have peeled back the layers of myself and gotten very comfortable with the shadowy depths of my soul. I could probably share over 20 insights I have gained throughout this year, as I'm sure you could too. For the sake of length and depth and not wanting to share all the secrets I've learned this year (hehe jk), I'll stick to three.

What you need will always be right in front of you (& what you think you need is not always what you actually need)

This year showed me that there's only so much you can control. You can plan out every single day for the rest of your life and there is a 100% chance that life won't happen the way you want it to. I get it, that's frustrating, but can you reframe your thinking? I believe that there is some divine power above us that guides us throughout life. Whether there is a plan for each of us, I'm not sure (free will is a thing, ya know), but I do believe that we are always being led towards what we need for this next step in our growth.

2020 has been a lesson of letting go of all the things I need and simply accept what is right in front of me. That has meant letting go of friendships and relationships that no longer serve me, accepting the fact that I'm living back at home despite wanting to move as far away as possible, and opening my arms up to every obstacle, challenge, or "defeat" that comes my way. There's always an opportunity for learning and growth. We all have the choice to accept the reality in front of us and create a life that fulfills our soul–even if it doesn't look how we want it to be.

When you open yourself up to the world, it opens right back up to you

On a similar note to the point above, when we trust in ourselves and our own unique journey, you get the power to open up to the world. What does it mean to open up? In my eyes, it's the same as saying to The Universe, "I release my grips of control on my life. I surrender to the flow and the guidance of my highest self. I open my heart to whatever is right in front of me because I know it is what is needed for my soul journey."

In fact, that's a really great affirmation to repeat if you're working on surrendering. When I prioritize the good of my highest self, I constantly let go or say no to the things that don't serve me. I no longer have the energy to give to anything that doesn't light me up, excite me, or make me feel good about myself. In 2020, I have chosen to ride the wave rather than resisting it. I have simply overcome and adapted to my ever-changing circumstances and kept trust that things would work out how they were supposed to (and they most certainly have.)

Overconsumption of anything is not healthy (or necessary)

This year has also been the year that my anti-capitalist mind has surfaced. I will save that conversation for another day because I want to keep this post light but I'll say this: more is not always better. We don't always need more, despite the societal lack mindset brainwashing us into believing we never have enough nor that we are enough. I've consumed a lot of media this year; through Instagram, Tiktok, and the news. I think it's good to stay informed, I don't think it is healthy or necessary to continually take in so much external information. For me personally, I have taken the majority of the latter half of the year off of Instagram and I hardly watch the news. That's because I had to prioritize my mental health.

In a similar idea, we can look at overconsumption in regards to "things" (....toilet paper, anyone?) What do we really need for our needs to be met? Is it necessary to stockpile canned soup (that will sit on our shelves for the next 3 years)? Can you think back to all the stuff you thought you needed before this pandemic happened?

I don't know about you but 2020 showed me that I really don't need that much. I don't need to buy a new outfit for every special occasion. I don't need to get my nails done every month. I don't need to buy coffee at a coffee shop every morning. I don't need to say yes to every social engagement I'm invited to.

My life feels a lot less complicated this year. I've simplified it and I've reprioritized so that I only spend my energy on the things that really matter. In order to get through this year, I've made the conscious choice to focus on what I do have rather than what I'm lacking. Gratitude has been a saving grace not only this year but in my life. When we focus our energy on gratitude or love, our hearts naturally open and we soften to the world in front of us. I hope you are able to see some of the beauty of 2020 and I hope that you can soften into the year ahead of us. May 2021 bring abundance, joy, divine love, and alignment.

Favorites of the Year

  • BOOK: The Artist's Way
  • WEBSITE: Teledipity (the most amazing and accurate website based on numerology that gives you a personality report and an eerily accurate prediction of the year and month ahead. Like...it is spot on.)
  • WITCHY TOOL: Tarot & Astrology
  • SELF CARE: Making my room a sanctuary
  • SOCIAL: Picnics
  • MUSIC: Tame Impala, The Marias, & Clairo
  • MOVEMENT: Skyting TV (online yoga subscription)
  • CLOTHING: Align Leggings
  • RECIPE: Tempeh Chorizo or Chickpea Pancake
  • DRINK: Madagascar Vanilla Black Tea from Pillion Tea
  • SHOW: The Americans
  • THING I DID: Solo trip to Cleveland or taking 4 months off of IG :)
  • LIFE HACK: Wake up 30 minutes earlier to have time to savor your morning routine
  • AFFIRMATION: I don't chase, I attract. What belongs to me will simply find me.


2021: The Year of Play


The 15 Best Books I Read in 2020