2018 Intentions & Looking Back on 2017

Oh boy, can you believe it's almost 2018? Well, for me as I am writing this post, it's Christmas Day but I don't plan on posting this until the very very end of 2017. I don't know about you but for me, 2017 was a whirlwind of a year. If I have to pick one word for 2017 it would be: transformational.In a way, I feel as if I shed a lot of parts of me and I am coming into 2018 a completely different person. In 2017, when I started this blog, I really started to dig deep into my spirituality and began living life for me (even if that means being selfish at times). Without going into too much detail, I let go of a lot of things that had been holding me back–whether that be friendships or just certain mindsets.2017 was also emotionally draining. Lots of highs and lots of lows–very exhausting haha. But, looking back, I wouldn't change much about this year. I learned a lot. I grew a lot. And I feel that I am in a very good place heading into 2018.This year is the first year I am really digging deep and intentionally figuring out what I want for the new year. In the past, I would always make resolutions (fun fact: my senior year of high school, my resolution was to become vegan and that is what started my whole wellness journey) and maybe write a journal entry on memorable things about the past year. But I have never gone this deep.I have been reflecting, journaling, making lists for about two weeks now–highlights of 2017, low points of 2017, what I've learned, my intentions for the year, tangible goals for the year, and finally what I see in the new year (aka what I want to manifest). The reason I have felt so drawn to diving deep this year is that it wasn't until the last quarter of 2017 that I saw the power of reflection and how vital it is to grow. Also, getting clear on what you truly want is the easiest and quickest way to manifest those things.

2018 Intentions

What to Expect in 2018:

BLOG: While as always, school is #1 right now in my life, I really want to dive deeper into this whole blogging thing. Aka possibly a redesign?! I want to hone in one what I really want Naturally Nicoletta to be and hopefully produce more content for you all! I have so many ideas and things I want to do in the future, it's just a matter of finding the time to figure everything out.FITNESS: I want to be more consistent with my working out. I want to find a yoga class that I like and try to go to every week. I want to have a better routine at the gym instead of just doing random exercises. I am not looking to be more strict with myself in regards to how many times a week I work out but I want to work out with more intention if that makes sense. I want to see progress and actually get stronger instead of just working out to work out.FOOD: What can I say? I am a creature of habit. I have gotten comfortable with the same few recipes and the same few restaurants. All of that is good but I need to spice up my life. I want to start being slightly more creative in the kitchen...that means less roasted veggies and lentil pasta and more actual meals. I'm almost 20, I need to get some signature dishes down! I also have long lists of places in both Louisville and Baltimore that I want to try. So here's to giving my usual spots a break and venturing out. (I hope to have a Baltimore Food Guide up sometime next year!)PERSONAL: Going off of the whole food thing, I got set in my ways this year. In some respects, I did step out of my comfort zone but in day to day life, things felt pretty monotone. As much as I love routine, things can get pretty boring after a while. I want to be more spontaneous in 2018. I want to stop making excuses as to why I shouldn't do something, travel somewhere, or step outside of what I'm used to. I want to start living. I do hope to travel more in 2018. (Hopefully studying abroad...but I haven't found out if I was accepted yet #ahhh) I have high hopes for 2018. I see it as the start of a new chapter in my life. I feel ready to take on whatever comes my way. I am ready and open to change and moving on. Here's to a new year. Here's to having the ability to change our lives whenever we want.To the best year yet,Nikki


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