10 Beliefs That Have Changed My Life

The life I am living currently is a little unconventional. I spent the first five months of the year in Hawaii, then back home to Kentucky, now I'm living in New York and have plans to head to the West Coast in the fall. People often ask me how I'm doing it all – how do you travel so much and move to these different places? How do you make it work financially? How do you find the opportunities? While there are many factors that play into how I am living the life that I do, I believe that a lot of it has to do with mindset. The beliefs I live my have gotten me to where I am today – by shifting limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, and what I thought was possible for myself, I was able to create the life that is in front of me.

Before we begin...

Now, there definitely is something to say about privilege in this conversation. I do hold a relative amount of privilege and I know that has given me the opportunity to even think about living my life the way I am living it. The fact that I don't merely have to worry about survival, gives me an advantage and has made it easier to shift my thinking over a shorter period of time. With that being said, I believe that every single person has the opportunity and ability to live the life that they desire.

If I'm being completely honest...

The truth of the matter is, most people stick to what they were told. They continue on the path laid out ahead of them because it's logical, stable, secure, and makes sense. There's nothing wrong with any of that. In fact, I sometimes envy people who are content following that path and not constantly thinking about the next best thing to do (maybe I do have commitment problems, who knows?!) But it's when you are following that path blindly despite being completely miserable on it. Much of the reason why I am living this life is that I believed that something else was possible for me. I saw others who were living unconventional lives and that gave me the inspiration I needed to embark on my own adventure rebelling against societal norms.

You are never stuck – your mind may think you are, but there are always a million other ways to live your life, make money, and do all the things you dream of doing.

10 Beliefs That I Live My Life By

Focus on what energizes you

When you put your energy into things that drain you, don’t excite you, or suck the life out of you, you are telling the Universe you want more of that thing. When you focus your energy on things that give to your soul, you will automatically be happier, more energized, and enjoy your life to a deeper extent.

The world is not out to get you

Let yourself be supported, and you will be supported. Working with the universe instead of against it or on your own will bring so much more ease into your life. Trust that you are always supported – if you don't trust, ask yourself, "Has there ever been a moment when things haven't worked out?" Maybe they didn't work out the way you desired them to, but things always work out how they are meant to.

Follow your own path, even if it’s not the path laid out for you

You don’t have to live your life the way everyone else is living their life. You don’t have to do the things you “should” do. If you don’t want to do it, why are you doing it? If you didn't have to think about anything other than your deepest desires, how would you spend your days? What would you do? What holding you back from that life?

Shifting your mindset can shift your entire life

If you think something isn't possible, it will not be possible. If you don't believe that you are capable, worthy, or deserving of something; it's likely that that thing won't happen for you. Shift your mindset into abundance rather than lack or gratitude rather than focusing on all that you don't have. The beliefs you hold are not always yours. They are passed down from society, your parents, your environment, and the narratives held throughout life. Take what is yours and leave the rest.

The more you can get to know yourself, the more in alignment you can be in your life

You can't know what you want if you don't take time to get to know yourself. Society teaches us to live life wearing many masks and holding on to layers of programming of all of the things we should want in life. You may be running on autopilot thinking life is amazing but deep down inside, you know that things aren't the way you would like. Take time, put in the work, and deeply get to know yourself. From there, you can begin to honor the person you discover rather than hiding them.

Don’t fear endings. Don’t fear the unknown. Both provide great change that can catapult you to the next evolution of yourself

Making friends with the unknown is probably one of the most valuable things I have ever done. When you can let the fear go, there is nothing stopping you. Endings make way for new beginnings and the unknown is one of the greatest mysteries of life and can bring us to the most magical places. Do not hold yourself back from these things because you are clinging to stability – that's an illusion anyway.

Learn how to self validate

Not everyone is going to like you at that’s okay. You don’t need a million friends or a million followers or any external validation. If you love yourself unconditionally, that’s all that matters. My Dad taught me at a young age to self validate, to be the dictator of my own self-worth. As my favorite saying goes, "You could be the juiciest, ripest, peach but there's still going to be people who don't like peaches."

Give yourself permission to be whoever you want to be

Fully embrace yourself unapologetically. If you hate coffee, COOL. You don’t want to drink? AMAZING. If you want to shave your hair off, THAT'S INCREDIBLE. Own every little thing about yourself. From my own experience, the more you step into your authenticity, the more you will magnetize the people who love and value your authenticity.

Set aside ample time every single day to take care of yourself

Think about how much time and energy you give to others. How often do you give that same time and energy to yourself? One of the biggest parts of self-devotion is actually tending to yourself and giving yourself love. When you prioritize time caring for yourself, you are able to show up better for those around you. Another one of my favorite sayings is, "You can't pour from an empty cup."

Believe in yourself and dream big

The motto of my elementary school was, "If you can dream it, you can be it." As kids, society teaches us that anything is possible and we should dream as big as we can. Somewhere throughout my formative years, that concept shifted into, "dream as big as if realistic for your life." Well, I like to rebel against what people tell me to do so, I didn't listen. I think anything is possible if you believe in yourself and work hard enough. The key here is, you have to take action. Where your intention goes, energy flows. Try the thing you have always wanted to do – worst case, it doesn't work out. But at least you tried.

These beliefs have gotten me to the life I am living today. Little things like gratitude, surrounding yourself with people who lift you up, and trusting the timing of your own path; are still incredibly important for me but didn't make it onto this list. Maybe I'll make a part two, eventually. All in all, this is what I live by. Shift your beliefs and shift your entire life. If you believe something is impossible for you, it will never work out. If there are areas of your life that feel sticky or toxic, like money, relationships, or self-worth, do the work on those areas. Read books, go to therapy, reprogram your current narratives. All it takes is one small step each day to create the life of your dreams. Shift your beliefs and shift your life. I'm right here with you.

Curious to connect to yourself more deeply and learn tools to support your path, purpose, & ease in life?

My course, Self Devotion Foundational Tools, shares all of my most sacred practices and tools that have assisted me on my journey towards self-devotion. Though six modules ranging from meditation, journaling, and intention setting, to self-discovery, and ritual; this course will help build the foundation to empower you to live in deeper alignment with your core essence and purpose. Learn more here.


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