Weekend Restaurant Guide: Louisville, Kentucky

lou restaurant guide graphicLouisville, Kentucky might not be one of the biggest cities. We might not have any professional sports teams, or even a subway system. But anyone who tells you that we don't have good food needs to have their taste buds checked.In fact, when my best friend, Gaby, visited Louisville for the first time in June, I had a hard time figuring out what where the best restaurants to take in to in the few days that she'd be in the Ville. Although we ran around from each end of the city (thankfully it never takes more than 25 minutes to get anywhere here), I'd like to think I showed her some of the classic, can't miss spots in Louisville.By no means did we cover all of the good restaurants in Louisville, but after living here for 18 years, these are just a few of my favorites. In addition to the restaurants mentioned in the bulk of this post, I'll also include some of the other great restaurants in the 502 that you can visit if you get the chance.




Brunch: Blue Dog Bakery & Cafe

After an early morning flight, I knew Gaby would be hungry. I took her to one of my favorite places in Louisville, Blue Dog Bakery & Cafe. Perfect for breakfast, brunch, lunch, and everything in between–Blue Dog is a MUST when in Louisville. If you get to Blue Dog before the morning rush, be sure to grab a freshly baked scone or pain au chocolat.

Dinner: Havana Rumba

Ask me my all-time favorite restaurant in Louisville and with no hesitation, I will say Havana Rumba. This local cuban restaurant has a few locations across the city which never disappoint. I personally like the location on Bardstown Road because their menu includes more tapas dishes–and my all time favorite fish tacos. Havana Rumba has delicious empanadas, guacamole with plantain chips, but these fish tacos hands down have changed my life. These tacos are made with a grilled Swai fish filled marinated in a cilantro, parsley, and garlic rub and are topped with guacamole, pico de gallo, and a paprika cream. I kid you not, I think about these tacos on a daily basis.Unknown

Dessert: Graeter's Ice Cream

So what if I ate multiple tacos, plantain chips, and bread? I will always save room for dessert especially if it involves Graeter's Ice Cream. This Cincinnati-based ice cream chain makes handcrafted French Pot ice cream. Creamy, flavorful, and 100% worth it. I always like to say, "you haven't had real ice cream until you've tried Graeter's." All of the flavors are amazing, between Black Raspberry Chip and Buckeye (peanut butter, cocoa, peanut butter cookie dough, and chocolate chips) there's no bad flavor.



Breakfast: Juice BarLifeBar, or Weekly Juicery

With all of the food were about to try, I wanted to keep breakfast for today as light as possible. There are three really great juice bars in Louisville: Juice Bar has delicious smoothies, LifeBar has some of my favorite green juices, and the Weekly Juicery has my favorite açaí bowl in town. You can't go wrong with this healthy start to the day!

Lunch: Feast BBQ

One of my favorite areas in Louisville has to be NuLu, this up and coming hipster neighborhood in Downtown Louisville has some of the best things to see in Louisville. Although Kentucky might be known for Kentucky Fried Chicken, believe it or not, we have really good BBQ. Feast BBQ offers a modern/hip take on southern classics. Bourbon slushies, loaded tots, and smoked tofu all make for a delicious lunch.

Snack: Please & Thank You

Unknown-1After walking around Downtown Louisville, try to make your way back to NuLu and stopped by Please & Thank You. Forget Levain Bakery in New York City, this retro coffee shop sells the world's best chocolate chip cookie. Wash this ooey, gooey, warm cookie down with a refreshing Laura Palmer–P&TY's take on the Arnold Palmer: fresh lemonade with iced black tea and a sprig of mint.Before leaving NuLu for the afternoon, make sure to stop by Revelry Boutique Gallery to pick up a unique Louisville souvenir that everyone back home will actually life.

Dinner: Mesh

Unknown-2Sometimes it just feels goooood to dress up for dinner. When it's a Saturday night and there's nothing better to do, why not? My go-to "fancy" (but not out of my college (a.k.a. i'm broke) budget) restaurant is Mesh. When the weather is nice, I love sitting out on the patio for dinner and being able to watch the sun set. Mesh has a wide range of foods on it's menu so it is a great place to take a bigger group–just be sure to make a reservation in advanced! Also, make sure to get an order...or two...of the Pommes Frites.They are covered in parmesan and hot red pepper flakes and are my ultimate guilty pleasure food.


Breakfast: Hi-Five Donuts

Unknown-3Last day...go big or go home, am I right? I knew before Gaby left we had to stop by Hi-Five to get a donut for breakfast. I like to say that I am a fairly healthy eater. I usually eat oatmeal, toast, or a smoothie for breakfast. I could feel the little devil on the shoulder jumping for joy when I ate this donut. Do I regret it? Not at all. Would I eat one again? If you ever want to go, let me know. I will go in a heartbeat.I always expect donuts to make me feel greasy, gross, and heavy afterwards but I surprisingly felt fine after this donut. Maybe my body was going crazy from all the sugar or something, but I didn't feel bad at all.Thankfully, the Speed Art Museum has free admission on Sundays so after eating our donuts, Gaby and I went over to the University of Louisville campus and walked our donuts off at the Speed.

Afternoon Pick-Me-Up: One of the many local coffee shops

FullSizeRender-2One of the many great aspects of Louisville is all of our local coffee shops; Heine Brothers, Quills, Highland Coffee Company, just to name a few. After your sugar crash from the donuts, grab a cold brew or iced green tea and get your second wind of energy.

Snack: Steel City Pops

While you might not be hungry for dinner, grab a gourmet popsicle at Steel City while exploring Bardstown Road and The Highlands. Get it dipped, drizzled, dusted, or just enjoy the all-natural flavors on their own. My favorite in the summer is the Lavender Lemonade flavor, so refreshing! 

Dinner: Mussel and Burger Bar

UnknownAhhh, saving the best for last. While I don't eat meat so I couldn't tell you, my Mom, who LOVES her burgers, swears by this place. And I can attest, the veggie burger is way above your average Morning Star patties. Mussel and Burger Bar is another one of those places you just have to visit when you come to Louisville. The Sweet & Spicy Calamari are the most unique, but delicious, appetizers I have ever had. Mussels and Burgers don't see to go together but they are a match made in heaven.

There we have it, folks. A weekend restaurant guide for Louisville, KY. Wait! Not so fast, here are a few food places that I adore but couldn't fit in to this weekend. Be sure to check them out!

Butchertown Grocery - Everyone loves this place. Make your reservation weeks in advance.Dairy Kastle - the BEST soft serve ice-cream. Be sure to bring cash, DK is cash-only.Oishii Sushi or Dragon Kings Daughter -  two of my favorite sushi places in the Ville.Losta Pasta - Fresh pasta, bread, and cold-cuts. Perfect for a night in!8UP - Dinner with a view, YES please!Mayan Cafe - Not many people are familiar with Mayan food, but its delicious. Trust me.XO,Nikki 


Embrace The Sweat: Hot Yoga and Indoor Cycling


Better Than Taco Bell Spicy Sweet Potato Soft Tacos