How to Live the Life of Your Dreams

Heads up: there’s no one way to live the life of your dreams. You just have to start living.

This isn’t a blog post to tell you how to make a million dollars or how to quit your job and live by the beach for the rest of your life. In the past couple of months since moving to Hawaii, I have been thinking about what it means to live and to live well.

How do you live in a way that your life is better than your dreams?

When I look around me, I am constantly in awe that I have created this life. All of the things that I have been dreaming about have materialized right before my eyes and I want to share with you a few things that helped me get here.

Self Worth

You can talk about the things you desire in life all you want but do you really feel worthy of them? In my experience, it takes work to get to a place where you truly feel like you are worthy of your desires. For years and years I dreamed of a beautiful partnership that would whisk me off of my feet but I never felt worthy of receiving this love. It’s easy to keep yourself small when you have spent your entire life feeling unworthy of anything more.

Ask yourself: What are my deepest dream, desires, and hopes for my life? Do I feel worthy of them? What things are holding me back from achieving these things? Is there something small I can do today that will make me feel more worthy?

For me, gaining self worth has been a daily practice of shifting my self talk, incorporating affirmations and mantras, and constantly reminding myself that I am inherently worthy. I got clear on the parts of myself that I didn’t feel were worthy and took time to know those parts more intimately. The deeper you fall in love with yourself, the more you will be able to see just how worthy and deserving you are.


Ok, so, you feel like you are living the life you want but you still feel like something is missing. Are you dreaming big enough? Have you looked into all of your options or are you sticking to the path that was laid out ahead of you? It can be easy to forget that there’s a whole world out there. I’ve always been a dreamer and I constantly ask more of myself but I’ve found myself stuck in loops of feeling like there’s nothing more I can do. This is just how it is, I would tell myself.

Ask yourself: Who are 5 people who’s life I admire? What are 5 imaginary lives I’d like to live? (No life is too big. Dream big...imagine you are asking your 5 year old self). If nothing was stopping me, what would my dream life look like? What would be in my perfect day?

It’s important to get clear on what we want in life. We can’t make things happen until we get clear on what we want. When we put our energy into the things that we don’t want, we don’t have any energy left to give into what we do want. You don’t have to quit your job and move to the middle of the ocean but inquire with yourself the areas of your life that are sucking your energy. Dream big, baby. The world is full of infinite possibilities.


So you are clear on what you want and you feel worthy and deserving of it – that’s amazing! Unfortunately, now is the hard part. The beautiful waiting game of life. Divine timing is a thing and it requires patience, surrender, and trust. The most important part of this equation is patience but also not to settle. It will be tempting in those moments of, will this ever happen for me?, to give up on your dream and settle for something less. In my own experience, the thing you want is always right around the corner when you are just about to lose hope. Hold your vision close to your heart. You are worthy and deserving of all of your dreams. Things will happen at the exact moment that they are supposed to–no sooner and no later.

Living the life of your dreams is no simple task and it won’t happen over night. Getting clear on what we want for ourselves is the first step in getting there. Without clarity, we lack intention and without intention, our energy may be scattered all over which leads us to feeling like there’s no sense of direction or purpose. One final piece of advice, never compare your path to the path of others. We are all living our own life and there is no right or wrong. As long as it is true for you, then it is valid. Trust in your own vision and let that guide the way.


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