How I am Mentally Preparing for One Year Abroad

I'm going to spend one year abroad. In Belgium. Studying, traveling, doing all the "study abroad" things. I'm so excited but also so terrified. I'm finally sitting down to write this (and my 'How to Pack for a Year Abroad') post. I leave a week from tomorrow and am not sure when I'll get around to posting these posts...probably next weekend right before I leave. I've been home for a week now and I honestly haven't given much thought to preparing for abroad.This thing, studying abroad, is something I have dreamed about since I was a little girl. Belgium has been this thing in my mind all year that has felt so far away. Like a distant dream. Something I could see and taste but never touch. And now...well in a's here. It doesn't feel real and I don't think it will until I am actually standing in Leuven.You all know that I've been working on myself this entire year. I really see all of that as preparation for what is coming for me. I really do believe that everything you do now is to help you prepare for what the Universe has in store for you. Because I have been working so hard on getting grounded within myself, these two weeks before I leave for a year have felt a little stagnant.It's not that I'm not doing anything to prepare. I feel like I'm avoiding the fact that I am about to leave for a year. I'm not thinking about it too much and I keep putting off my loooooong to-do list before I leave. This is probably the fear setting in and denial that my world is about to get flipped upside down.

I am extremely excited for this next chapter, of course, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't completely terrified.

I have developed a deep trust that the Universe has my back so it's not really the unknown that is scary to me. But rather, missing out on things back home. Not making the most of my experience. I think I'm scared to push myself...which sounds silly now that I'm typing it out.I have all of these ideas and expectations for this magical one year abroadthat I'm going to say yes to everything and magically be this spontaneous girl who is down for everything. I have this idea of who I am going to be in Europe and I'm scared I won't live up to those expectations. WHEW. I never admitted that to myself and it feels amazing to get it out in the open.

We constantly live with expectations of who we are supposed to be and what our live is supposed to look at.

Especially with something that is quite literally a dream coming true, it's hard not to have those expectations. I have to continue to remind myself that things (in life in general) are never going to be what I expect and I can't force myself to be something that I'm not.I'm stuck on this idea that I should be this yes-girl and always be spontaneous–which is amazing and I admire people like that. When I think of studying abroad, I think of spontaneity. Yes, I want to get out of my comfort zone and say yes to more things because that's what living is all about but I still want to stay true to myself. A big part of who I am is that I like to plan and make logical decisions. I'm a thinker! There's nothing wrong with that. I think my biggest challenge is going to be staying true to myself while also pushing the edge of my comfort zone.Geeeeez, I sat down to write this blog post about simple things I have been doing to help my ~mental~ state and I realized a lot of things that I have been semi struggling with.  Ah, I love writing.Anyways. 

Things I have been doing to ease my nerves before leaving the states for a YEAR:

1.Tying up loose ends

And by this I mean, seeing my friends and family and saying my goodbyes. But also, trying any new restaurants or old favorites. The phrase "if it's not a hell yes, it's a no" has been my motto because...there's only so much time in a day!

2.Self Care

Even though I feel like I am not stressed about this whole situation, I definitely am. So with that, I have been doing all the classic self care things like baths and face masks but also letting myself sleep in, relax, taking yoga classes, and eating yummy foods. I know this next year and especially these next few months are going to be nonstop so I want to try and slow down and rest before the storm comes.

3.Enjoy every moment

I can't really fathom the idea of not being in the US for a year. Not seeing many of my friends for a year. Not seeing my dog for a year. Since I go to school in Baltimore, I've gotten used to sparse and short visits home in Kentucky but a year is a long time. I am trying to make the most of every moment, even if it's just laying on the couch with my dog. Being present and really enjoying moments is something I want to hold on to because it is a good way to live your life.

A good friend gave me some really good advice as I embark on this adventure. She said "don't leave anything back home"–metaphorically speaking, of course. In a sense, I am starting a new chapter of my life in just one week and the only way I'll be able to fully live this new chapter is if I let go of things pulling me back. Yes, I am going to stay in touch with my family and friends back home but what I took from this advice was to try my hardest to not leave anything open back home. Letting go of friendships, relationships, bad memories, etc. that keep holding me back from growing and experiencing new things.I don't think you'll ever feel fully prepared for any new experience in life. I know that I am as prepared as possible and I am ready to step into this new chapter with my arms wide open. I have no idea what to expect and I am excited for that. When you leave space in your life for abundance, you will receive abundance. I am ready to feel, to laugh, to explore, to EAT, to take every ounce of these experience and squeeze it out like a sponge.

What's Next for Naturally Nicoletta?

I have gotten a lot of questions about if I'm going to keep up with my blog, Instagram, and Youtube while I am abroad. Two words: HELL YES. I mean, why not? I want to share my journey and I want to document everything so I can look back on how far I've come. I am going to be doing a lot of traveling so I will share all the delicious food I eat. I hope to share my journey on maintaining a healthy lifestyle while still having that balance. There's a lot to come in the next year and I'd be silly not to share it with you all.I started this blog just about a year ago and it's incredible how far it has come in the past year. Who would have thought I was going to travel to EUROPE for a year? Not me, that's for sure.I should probably get back to packing. Bye for now, my friends! Talk to you in Europe! :)


How I Am Packing for One Year Abroad


Loving Yourself When Society Doesn't Want You To